1933, in order to save Liu, secretary of the provincial party Committee, Zhu Changping sold his ancestral home to others at a low price to raise rescue funds. Zhu Changping's wife Xie got five gold bars and rushed to the home of the law enforcement chief. Unexpectedly, his home was copied and Liu failed to save it.
Zhu Changping put Xie on the train, and then turned to ask George Li for gold bars. George Li did not swallow the gold bars alone, but returned them to Zhu Changping intact. In addition, George Li gave Zhu Changping the letter left by Liu before his death. Zhu Changping took five gold bars to Shanghai to report to the party organization. According to the instructions of his superiors, Zhu Changping founded Shanghai Fuji Chinese and Western Commodity Trading Company with five gold bars as capital to raise funds for the party organization. Later, Shanghai Fuji Chinese and Western Commodity Trading Company was renamed Zhongfu Company, which is the development history of Zhongfu Group. If there is no Zhu Changping, there would be no Zhongfu Group, but Zhu Changping has no prototype, and he is fictional.
Zhu Changping's original intention was to meet the needs of the revolution, but now Zhongfu Group has been unified, and Qi Beinan was deeply moved by Zhu Changping's story. Zhu Changping is not only the founder of Zhongfu Group, but also the former vice governor of Eastern Han Province and Lin's grandfather.
Later, Zhu Changping's son Zhu Dodge followed in his father's footsteps and became the chairman of Zhongfu Group. After he left office, Zhu Changping's grandson Zilin took over as chairman. Similarly, he is also the object of investigation of the new governor, but with Kibaki in, Lin will have to step down sooner or later.