Is there a difference between specifying colors and not specifying colors in trademark registration?
The words "color trademark" shall be used to indicate that the applied trademark is a color trademark, and the words "specific color" shall be used to indicate that the applied trademark is a color trademark with a specific color other than black and white. Applicants should pay attention to the difference between "specific color trademark" and "color trademark". By default, the trademark applied in the system is a trademark with ordinary black and white pattern, that is, it is neither a "trademark with specified color" nor a "color trademark". Please don't copy the difference between designated color trademarks and non-designated trademarks circulating on the Internet. The problem here is that there are three concepts in this sentence. What is the difference between them? 1. Specify color trademark 2. Color trademark 3. Trademark registration of "ordinary black-and-white pattern trademark" that is neither a designated color trademark nor a color trademark.