Nowadays, many people like to wear cloth shoes. Cloth shoes are not only light and comfortable to wear, but also beautiful in design. Many famous fashion brands also have cloth shoes. Many middle school students like to wear canvas shoes with fashionable designs. Cloth shoes are no longer synonymous with cheap and low-end.
When purchasing cloth shoes, do not buy shoes without the place of origin, factory name, or trademark. The quality of this kind of Sanwu product is not guaranteed and may damage your feet. The shoe size of a regular manufacturer should be the Chinese standard shoe size. For example, shoes of size 38 should be marked as 240 and bear the trademark and logo registered by the national authority. . Pay attention to the soles when purchasing. Good soles make walking comfortable. Look for products that have no odor, smooth appearance, and moderate hardness and softness when bending. When buying shoes, they should be flexible when pressed with your hands. Choose shoes with pure cotton linings and linings. These shoes are comfortable, breathable and protective for your feet.
When brushing shoes, do not soak the shoes in a basin. Instead, dip the brush in water and apply gentle and even force. Do not brush hard to avoid breaking the thread or brushing off the patterns and decorative parts of the shoe body. After cleaning, place it in a ventilated and cool place to dry naturally. Do not expose it to the scorching sun or bake it in a high-temperature place to prevent gumming or degumming and accelerate aging. Non-professional labor rubber shoes should not come into contact with chemicals such as acids, alkalis, and salts to avoid corrosion, degumming, and deformation. Avoid contact between shoes and sharp objects to prevent scratches on the upper and body of the shoe. For white canvas shoes, be careful not to let carbon ink and other difficult-to-clean items spill on the uppers; after cleaning the white canvas shoes, apply toothpaste or white chalk powder on the uppers and body of the shoes, and be sure to evenly apply it. Then let it dry to prevent discoloration, or find two pieces of clean white paper to cover the top of the shoe and tear it off after drying to prevent discoloration. If the shoes have minor problems such as disconnection, disconnection, or loose decorative parts, they should be sent for repair in time to extend their service life. People with sweaty feet can spray some vinegar inside the shoes before wearing them to reduce the odor. In addition, canvas shoes should be cleaned promptly when they are dirty to prevent them from becoming moldy and smelly. Do not wash cloth shoes in a washing machine. Some people think that canvas shoes are resistant to bending and are cheap, so they are too lazy to wash them by hand. However, they do not know that the decorative parts of the shoe body are different from the shoe body. They will easily fall off and fade when washed in a washing machine. If it rains or the soles are soaked, do not drop or twist them. Brush them clean in time. Dry the shoes with the upper side facing up. Do not expose them to the sun. Embroidered shoes and satin shoes, because the uppers are thin and soft, cannot be bumped or scratched with hard objects to avoid damage. When storing, keep the shoes in a cool and ventilated place and avoid getting wet. Shoes made of wool or felt should be covered with camphor to prevent them from being eaten by insects.
Care and cleaning of sneakers
Basketball shoes are the most commonly worn shoes by male students. How to take good care of your "combat boots"?
When not wearing, the shoes should be placed in a relatively dry and ventilated place, away from direct sunlight, because a humid environment will cause corrosion of the shoe body, and exposure to sunlight will cause the deterioration of part of the material of the shoes. Discoloration. However, the place where the shoes are placed should not be too dry, which may cause cracks in the leather. When storing shoes, you should stuff soft paper balls inside the shoes. The paper balls can absorb the residual moisture inside the shoes and keep them dry. This will help to keep the shape of the shoes fixed and prevent them from "collapsing" after use. .
In terms of cleaning, there should be different methods for different materials. You can spray a little collar clean on the outer soles and side materials of the shoes. After more than ten seconds, gently scrub with a soft-bristled toothbrush. However, the scrubbing time should not be too long. After brushing, the foam should be washed away with warm or cold water in time. , to minimize the erosion of chemicals on shoes. After cleaning, you should immediately wipe off the remaining water with a dry rag. If the air cushion is visible in the cleaned shoes, wipe off the water around the air cushion first after the above process is completed to avoid glue that decomposes after being exposed to water for a long time. Chemical changes occur that cause the glue to open.
If possible, use toothpicks to remove small pebbles from the soles. Holding foreign objects for a long time will deform the soles, which will affect the braking performance of the shoes to a certain extent. The cleaning method of the shoe upper depends on the main materials it is composed of. The general cleaning method is to use a rag with a little water, and then gently wipe it on the upper, and pay attention to whether the stolen items on the upper are "flaws". If the upper has cracks, skip the injured ones. place, because continuing to rub will make the wound dirtier and even make the crack bigger.
When normal wear and tear is unavoidable, the frequency of changing shoes should be increased to allow the shoes to have a rest period and return to a relatively "healthy" state before the next use.
Once the shoes are dirty, they should be cleaned as soon as possible to avoid stains staying on the shoes for a long time and causing deterioration of the uppers. Moreover, if the shoes are not cleaned for a long time, it will increase the difficulty of cleaning.