The main methods used in international technology trade include licensing trade, technical services and consulting, franchising, cooperative production, and the purchase and sale of equipment containing intellectual property rights and proprietary technology licenses.
License trade License trade is sometimes called license trade:
It refers to the owner of intellectual property or know-how as the licensor, through the agreement with the licensee (introducer) A technology transaction in which a licensing contract is signed to grant the technology owned by the licensee to the licensee, allowing the licensee to use the technology and manufacture or sell the contracted products in accordance with the conditions stipulated in the contract, and the licensee pays a certain amount of technology royalties. Behavior.
Licensing trade can be divided into patent licensing, trademark licensing, computer software licensing and proprietary technology licensing according to its subject matter. In the practice of international technology trade, a licensing transaction may include one of the above contents, such as a simple patent license, or may include two or more of the above contents, forming a package license.