There is a XXXX number in the upper right corner of the trademark. That XXXX is the application number and registration number. The analysis is as follows:
1. The significance of the trademark registration number: The registration number is the number registered by the Trademark Office of the State Administration of Administration. Generally, e5a48de588b6e799bee5baa6e79fa5e9819331333366303066 will be generated after trademark registration. A trademark has only one trademark registration number. After successful registration, it is a unified number for the trademark identity.
2. The purpose of the trademark registration number: to conduct trademark inquiries; when the company completes the trademark registration, it will get a unique trademark registration number, which is a status symbol of the trademark, just like our ID card number. Through this number, you can check the status of the trademark and other information.
3. Declaration and handling of trademark-related matters: The trademark registration number is the "ID card number" of the trademark, which can help enterprises conduct trademark information checking and processing and other trademark work. Entrepreneurs need to properly keep the "Trademark Registration Certificate" and also record the trademark registration number to facilitate inquiries and other related work.