trademark registration process:
1. Inquire about the trademark first. If there are no identical or similar trademarks in advance, you can make application documents and submit the application;
2. About 1-2 months after the application is submitted, the Trademark Office will issue an application acceptance notice (this period is called the formal review stage);
3. After the formal review is completed, it will enter the substantive review stage, which will take about 3-4 months;
4. If the substantive examination is qualified, it will enter the announcement procedure (this period is 3 months, also called the objection period);
5. When the announcement expires, no one raises any objection. The Trademark Office issues a trademark registration certificate.
materials required for trademark registration:
(1) application for registration of enterprise trademark:
1. scanned copy of license seal;
2. Confirmation of trademark application;
3. A scanned copy of the power of attorney;
4. Trademark standard sample (white or color).
(2) Application for registration of individual trademarks:
1. Confirmation of trademark application;
2. a scanned copy of the power of attorney;
3. Trademark standard sample;
4. scanned ID card;
5. scanned copy of individual license.
the period of validity of a registered trademark is 1 years, counting from the date of approval of registration. Where a registered trademark needs to be used continuously after the expiration of its term of validity, it shall apply for renewal of registration within 6 months before the expiration. The system of going through certain formalities according to law and extending the validity period of its registered trademark.
article 8 of the trademark law of the people's Republic of China, any mark that can distinguish the goods of natural persons, legal persons or other organizations from those of others, including words, figures, letters, numbers, three-dimensional marks, color combinations and sounds, and the combination of the above elements, may apply for registration as a trademark. Article 9 A trademark applied for registration shall have distinctive features and be easy to identify, and shall not conflict with the legal rights previously obtained by others. Trademark registrants have the right to indicate "registered trademarks" or registration marks. Article 6 Where a registered trademark is required by laws and administrative regulations, an application must be made for trademark registration. Those that have not been approved for registration shall not be sold in the market. Article 7 The application for registration and use of trademarks shall follow the principle of good faith. The trademark user shall be responsible for the quality of the goods in which he uses the trademark. The administrative departments for industry and commerce at all levels shall stop cheating consumers through trademark management.