Color matching:
Warm colors and cool colors: red vs. blue, yellow vs. purple, this collocation method is relative color matching;
Light color is dark color: light blue vs dark blue, pink vs iron gray. This collocation method is light and dark color matching;
Warm colors are warm colors: yellow vs. red and yellow vs. green. This collocation method is homologous color matching;
Cold color system Cold color system: gray vs black, purple vs black, this collocation method is homologous color matching;
The bright system is the dark system: white vs black. This collocation method is light and dark color matching and light and dark color matching, creating different visual effects.
The color matching between light and shade is a combination of light and shade, which is harmonious and strong.
Clothes with different materials and colors will also have different visual effects. Find out the color system that suits you best and achieve visual harmony.