Collective trademarks indicate that goods or services come from the same organization; A certification trademark indicates that the quality of a commodity or service reaches the specified quality.
The applicant for a collective trademark must be an organization established according to law and with legal personality; However, the applicant who certifies the trademark must also have the ability to detect and supervise the specific quality of the goods or services.
Collective trademarks can be used by collective members, and members outside the organization may not use them; The certification mark should show its openness, as long as the goods or services of specific quality specified in the management rules can require the use of the certification mark.
The registrant of a collective trademark may use the collective trademark on the goods or services it deals in; The registrant of a certification trademark shall not use the certification trademark on the goods or services it deals in.
Collective trademarks shall not be transferred after registration; The certification trademark can be transferred to other legally established organizations with legal person qualification and inspection and supervision ability.