General category (available for all HTML files)
File type <: HTML> < /HTML> (placed at the beginning and end of the file)
Document theme <; TITLE> < /TITLE> (Must be placed in the "Prefix" block)
Prefix < HEAD> < /HEAD> (Descriptive data, such as "theme")
Style < BODY> < /BODY> (document ontology)
------------------------------. H? > < /H? > (From 1 to 6, there are six levels to choose from)
3. Alignment of titles <; H? ALIGN=LEFT|CENTER|RIGHT> < /H? >
3. distinguish <; DIV> < /DIV>
3. differentiated alignment <; DIV ALIGN=LEFT|RIGHT|CENTER|JUSTIFY> < /DIV>
citation block <: BLOCKQUOTE> < /BLOCKQUOTE> (usually it will shrink in)
Emphasize <; EM> < /EM> (usually displayed in italics)
Special emphasis <; STRONG> < /STRONG> (usually displayed in bold)
Citation <; CITE> < /CITE> (usually displayed in italics)
Code <; CODE> < /CODE> (for displaying source code)
Sample <; SAMP> < /SAMP>
keyboard input <; KBD> < /KBD>
variable <; VAR> < /VAR>
definition <; DFN> < /DFN> (Some browsers don't provide it)
Address <; ADDRESS> < /ADDRESS>
3. Chinese characters < BIG> < /BIG>
3. Small print < SMALL> < /SMALL>
-----------. B> < /B>
italics <; I> < /I>
3. bottom line <; U> < /U> (Not available in some browsers)
3. Strikethrough <: S> < /S> (Not available in some browsers)
3. Subscript < SUB> < /SUB>
3. superscript <; SUP> < /SUP>
typing machine <; TT> < /TT> (displayed in single-space font)
Predetermined format < PRE> < /PRE> (Keep the size of spaces in the file)
The width of the predetermined format < PRE WIDTH=? > < /PRE> (in characters)
N1.+ align to the middle <; CENTER> < /CENTER> (both words and pictures are acceptable)
N1. shines <; BLINK> < /BLINK> (the most mocked label ever)
N1. font size <: FONT SIZE=? > < /FONT> (from 1 to 7)
N1. Change font size <; FONT SIZE=+|-? > < /FONT>
N1. basic font size <; BASEFONT SIZE=? > (From 1 to 7; The default is 3)
N2. font color <; FONT COLOR="#$$$$$$"> < /FONT>
-----------. A HREF="URL"> < /A>
link to anchor <: A HREF="URL#***"> < /A> (if the anchor p>< is in another file)
<; A HREF="#***"> < /A> (if the current file is anchored)
N2. links to the destination frame < A HREF="URL" TARGET="***"> < /A>
set anchor point <; A NAME="***"> < /A>
graphics <; IMG SRC="URL">
graphic alignment mode < IMG SRC="URL" ALIGN=TOP|BOTTOM|MIDDLE>
N1. graphic alignment mode <; IMG SRC="URL"
replace text <; IMG SRC="URL" ALT="***"> (If there is no way to display the graph, this text will be displayed)
Click on the graph < IMG SRC="URL" ISMAP> (CGI program required)
N2. Click on the map <; IMG SRC="URL" USEMAP="URL">
N2. map <; MAP NAME="***"> < /MAP> (describe the map)
N2. paragraph <; AREA SHAPE="RECT" COORDS=",,," HREF="URL"|NOHREF>
3. size <; IMG SRC="URL" WIDTH="?" HEIGHT="?" > (in pixels)
N1. graphic edge <: IMG SRC="URL" BORDER=? > (in pixels)
N1. graphic edge space <: IMG SRC="URL" HSPACE=? VSPACE=? > (in pixels)
N1. low-resolution graphics < IMG SRC="URL" LOWSRC="URL">
N1.1 client pull <; META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" CONTENT="? ; URL=URL"> (user-side automatic update)
N2. embedded object < EMBED SRC="URL"> (Insert an object into the page)
N2. Embedded object size < EMBED SRC="URL" WIDTH="?" HEIGHT="?" >
-----------. P> (usually two returns)
Paragraph 3. < P> < /P> (newly defined as container label)
3. Text alignment < P ALIGN=LEFT|CENTER|RIGHT> < /P>
line break <; BR> (a return)
N1. text alignment <; BR CLEAR=LEFT|RIGHT|ALL>
horizontal line <; HR>
N1. horizontal line alignment <; HR ALIGN=LEFT|RIGHT|CENTER>
N1. horizontal line thickness < HR SIZE=? > (in pixels)
N1. horizontal line width < HR WIDTH=? > (in pixels)
N1. horizontal line ratio width <: HR WIDTH=%> (with page width as 1%)
N1. solid line < HR NOSHADE> (no stereoscopic effect)
N1. is not newline <; NOBR> < /NOBR> (no line break)
where p>N1. can break a line < WBR> (if necessary, the line can be disconnected here)
-------------------------. UL> < LI> < /UL> (< LI> Before each item)
N1. public listing <; UL TYPE=DISC|CIRCLE|SQUARE> (define all enumerations)
< LI TYPE=DISC|CIRCLE|SQUARE> (define this and subsequent enumerations)
Ordered enumeration < OL> < LI> < /OL> (< LI> Before each item)
N1. number scale type < OL TYPE=A|a|I|i|1> (define all enumerations)
< LI TYPE=A|a|I|i|1> (define this and subsequent enumerations)
N1. Starting number <; OL value=? > (define all enumerations)
< LI value=? > (define this and subsequent enumerations)
Definitive enumeration < DL> < DT> < DD> < /DL> (< DT> Project, <; DD> Definition)
tabular enumeration <; MENU> < LI> < /MENU> (< LI> Put it in front of each item)
Cataloguing < DIR> < LI> < /DIR> (< LI> Before each item)
-----------------------. BODY BACKGROUND="URL">
N1.1+ background color <; BODY BGCOLOR="#$$$$$$"> (red, green and blue in sequence)
N1.1+ text color < BODY TEXT="#$$$$$$">
N1.1+ link color <; BODY LINK="#$$$$$$">
N1.1+ viewed links <; BODY VLINK="#$$$$$$">
N1.1 active link <; BODY ALINK="#$$$$$$">
-----------. ; (among them? Code representing ISO 8859-1)
< < > > & & ""
registered trademark TM?
N1.+ registered trademark TM?
copyright symbol?
N1.+ copyright symbol?
-----------. FORM