The so-called voluntary principle of registration means that the trademark owner decides whether to apply for trademark registration according to his own needs and wishes. A trademark approved and registered by the Trademark Office of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce is a registered trademark. The registrant enjoys the exclusive right to use a registered trademark and is protected by law; You can also use unregistered trademarks, but users do not enjoy the exclusive right to use trademarks and may not conflict with other people's trademarks.
The so-called compulsory registration principle refers to the mandatory provisions of the state that trademarks used by producers or operators on certain goods or services must be registered according to law before they can be used. Article 6 of the Trademark Law stipulates: "Goods that must use registered trademarks as stipulated by the state must apply for trademark registration, and may not be sold in the market without approval". At present, China's compulsory registered trademarks are only drugs for human use (western medicines, injections and Chinese patent medicines) and tobacco products (cigarettes, cigars and packaged shredded tobacco).