It was launched in the same year (1986).
except that the scale of the background music has changed, other places are exactly the same as the old work.
north American edition (NES edition)
in 1989, it was released together with episode II.
because a set of role-playing games has been registered as a trademark under the name of Dragon Quest in the United States, its name in North America has been changed to Dragon Warrior. Later, the game was renamed Dungeons &; Dragons, and Square Enix finally re-registered the Dragon Quest trademark in 23, so that the VIII episodes launched later can be sold globally under the name of Dragon Quest.
the recording function has been developed.
the role has evolved to face the front, back, left and right. Combine with II and form a cassette game (ドラゴンクェスト i? II), released on December 18th, 1993.
Reproduced with the picture technology of V-set (ドラゴンクエストV V Sky Wedding).
turn down the difficulty of the game.
It was transplanted to GBC in 1999 and launched. Since 24, it can be downloaded from three different models of mobile phones.
the picture technology is closer to VI set (ドラゴンクェストトののトのトトのトトゴのク).