Trademark registration is usually handled by the national or regional trademark office or intellectual property office.
The specific trademark registration agency may vary from country to country or region, but generally speaking, trademark registration is the responsibility of a specialized intellectual property management agency or trademark office. The following are common trademark registration agencies in some countries:
1. China: China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA, State Intellectual Property Office).
2. United States: United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO, United States Patent and Trademark Office).
3. Europe: European Patent Office (EUIPO, EuropeanUnionIntellectualPropertyOffice).
4. Japan: Japan Patent Office (JPO, JapanPatentOffice).
5. Canada: Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO, Canadian Intellectual Property Office).
Note: Before registering a trademark, it is recommended to check the relevant laws and regulations on trademark registration in the country or region where you are located, and confirm the correct trademark registration agency. You can usually get detailed trademark registration procedures, requirements, and application forms through the official websites of these agencies.
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