The extension time of trademark registration depends on the trademark laws and regulations of the country or region where it is located. Generally, a trademark registration is valid for a specific period of time, usually 10 years. Before the expiration of the validity period, the trademark registrant may choose to apply for renewal to extend the protection period of the trademark.
Trademark renewal procedures usually require an application to be made within a period of time before the trademark registration expires to ensure continued protection of the trademark. The specific renewal time and procedural requirements vary by country and region. You usually need to pay the corresponding renewal fee and submit the renewal application form and necessary documents.
It is worth noting that trademark renewal can only be applied for before the trademark registration expires or within a specific grace period. Failure to apply for renewal after the expiration date may result in the loss of trademark rights.
It is recommended that trademark registrants carefully understand the trademark laws and regulations of the target country or region before the trademark registration expires to determine the correct renewal time and procedures, and comply with relevant requirements to maintain the trademark's validity. Effective protection.
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