The so-called trademark registration is a legal procedure for obtaining exclusive rights to a trademark, and relevant natural persons, legal persons and other organizations need to apply during production activities or business activities. You can only operate or produce after success. So, can two companies apply for the same trademark? Let’s take a look at the introduction! 1. Can two companies apply for the same trademark? Yes, the number of trademark applications for the same company is now There are no restrictions. You can apply for one trademark, two trademarks, or even multiple trademarks. Companies can choose to apply for one or more trademarks based on their own circumstances. A trademark applicant can apply for multiple trademarks. When registering a trademark, he can register only one registered trademark and use it on the approved goods; he can also register two or more trademarks at the same time or successively and use them on the same approved product. In terms of goods, if more than two registered trademarks are used on one product, they are usually used together in the form of a primary and secondary trademark. That is to say, if the main trademark remains unchanged, another trademark will be used every time a new product or model is launched. For example: Procter & Gamble owns multiple trademarks, and its products are diverse, such as Rejoice, Head & Shoulders, etc. that we are familiar with. These are all trademarks and brand names it owns. 2. What is trademark registration? Trademark registration is a legal procedure for obtaining the exclusive right to use a trademark. If a natural person, legal person or other organization needs to obtain the exclusive right to use a trademark for its goods or services during production and business activities, it shall apply for trademark registration. A trademark that has been approved for registration is a registered trademark. Trademark registrants enjoy exclusive rights to trademarks and are protected by law. The exclusive right to use a trademark is limited to the approved registered trademark and the approved goods or services. Registered trademarks include commodity trademarks, service trademarks, collective trademarks, and certification marks. Products that require the use of registered trademarks under laws and administrative regulations must apply for trademark registration. Products without approved registration may not be sold in the market. 3. Principles of Trademark Registration Trademark registration is the prerequisite and condition for a trademark user to obtain the exclusive right to use a trademark. Only trademarks that have been approved and registered are protected by law. The principles of trademark registration are the basic criteria for determining the exclusive rights of trademarks. The choice of different registration principles is the result of the legislators of various countries weighing the relationship between legal certainty and legal fairness in this issue. The above article is an introduction to "Can two companies apply for the same trademark?" It mainly introduces whether two companies can apply for the same trademark. Based on the above analysis, it can be known that this situation is possible. At the same time, for legal issues related to trademark registration, if necessary, you can consult a lawyer by yourself!