We can see many English advertisements around us every day. Look at your own bags and clothes and those of your classmates. How many different ads can you see in English? Usually bags and clothes show their manufacturer, this is the common form. Sometimes special pictorial symbols are called trademarks, and trademarks appear on many different products. Some things are popular because you see a memorable logo. Normally, we see advertisements on TV or hear them on the radio. Most advertisements are short, and sometimes advertisements use very short sentences so that people can say and remember them. For example, Nike has an English saying that is widely used around the world: just
it. Advertising often uses some interesting scenes to facilitate memory. All ads are designed to make a purchase. For example, an advertisement for a soft-packaged drink might express that a group of young people are having fun and they are all drinking this drink, and at the same time the advertisement says to you: Why don't you buy this drink like them? This will make you look young and modern. You may be thinking that this ad won't affect me, but the next time you go to buy a soft drink, ask yourself: Why should I buy such a common product?