Commonly used computer English
CPU Central Processing Unit Central Processing Unit, the heart of the computer
Memory memory
ROM Read only Memory read-only memory, can only read but not write
RAM Random Access Memory random access memory (memory belongs to this kind of memory)
Bus bus, Information channels in computers
ISA Industry Standard Architecture Industrial standard structure (bus)
VESA Video Electronic Standard Association Video Electronics Standard Association (standard bus)
PCI Perpheral Component Interconnect External interconnect bus standard
USB Universal Serial Bus Universal Serial Bus architecture developed by Intel Corporation
SCSI Small Computer System Interface Small Computer System Interface
AGP Accelerate Graphics Processor accelerated graphics interface
Mouse, commonly known as mouse
Keyboard keyboard
CRT Cathode Ray Tube cathode ray tube (often refers to the display screen)
LCD Liquid Crystal Display
VGA Video Graphics Array video graphics array (a display card)
Floppy Disk
Fixed Disk, Hard Disk
CD Compact Disk
Adapter adapter (card) (commonly known as card, such as sound card, display card)
UPS Uninterruptible Power System uninterruptible power supply
LPT Liner Printer printing port, parallel port
DPI Dots Per Inch refers to the resolution of the printer
CPS Characters Per Second Characters per second
PPM Pages Per Minute Pages per minute (printed)
OS Operating System Computer operating system, essential software in the computer
DOS Disk Operating System Disk operating system
Linux is a free UNIX operating system (runs on ordinary PCs and is named after the development of Linux)
BASIC Beginner's All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code Beginner's All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code (1 A computer language, suitable for beginners, do not regard BASIC as Basic)
Visual BASIC visual BASIC language
Database database
ESC Escape exit key
Tab Tabl
e Tab key
Shift shift key (used to input the characters above the double-character key and input small (upper) case characters in the upper (lower) case character state)
Ctrl Control control key
Alt Alter conversion key
Insert, Delete insert, delete
Home, End used to return to the beginning and end of the document when editing it Keys
Page Up, Page Down keys for page forward and backward
Num lock key for number lock
Scroll lock key for screen scrolling
Enter confirmation key, also has the function of carriage return and line feed
Click click the mouse
Cut cut (referring to cutting text or graphics into memory)
Copy Copy, copy
Paste (paste the content cut and copied into the memory)
Debug program troubleshooting (bug means small bug, metaphorical small bug hidden in the program) Error)
Virus computer virus (a program that replicates and spreads in the computer)
Backup Backup
Network Multimedia
Multimedia Multimedia ( Refers to the computer's ability to comprehensively process sound, images, video, animation, text and other media)
CDR Compact Disk Recordable recordable disc
VCD Video CD Video CD
Audio audio
Video video
MPEG Moving Picture Expert Group Moving Picture Expert Group (a compression standard for moving images and sounds with a large compression ratio)
BMP Bitmap bitmap (an image format)
Image image
Pixel pixel (a point of the image)
WAV Wave sound wave (a sound format)
MIDI Musical Instrument Digital Interface (there is this interface on the sound card, used to connect to musical instruments)
Modem modem (also called a cat, used to transfer telephone audio The signal becomes a digital signal)
Net Network Network
WAN Wide Area Network (referring to a cross-regional network that spans a large geographical area)
LAN Local Area Network Local Area Network (geographically limited to a small area, a network established by a unit)
Internet Internet, Internet, Internet
Server Server (the core of the network, the concentration of information (location)
Client client (referring to the user who uses the computer)
C/S client/sever client/server
B/S browser/sever browser /Server (referring to the information that the client accesses the server through the browser)
Workstation workstation (a single computer connected to the server)
WWW World Wide Web World Wide Web, a global node
BBS Bulletin Board System Electronic Bulletin Board System
FTP File Transfer Protocol File Transfer Protocol (Users use this protocol to transfer files on one computer to another computer through the Internet) p>
HTTP Hypertext Transfer Pro
tocol Hypertext Transfer Protocol (protocol used by WWW service programs)
HTML Home Page Market Language Home Page Markup Language (used for browser browsing display)
Hub Network Hub (provides many computers Connected port)
Router Router (a standard device on the Internet, with the function of determining network addresses, selecting paths, and realizing network interconnection)
Gateway Gateway
TCP /IP Transfer Control Protocol/Internet Protocol mTransmission Control/Internet Protocol (the basic protocol of the Internet)
NDS Domain Name System Domain Name Service System
e-mail Electronic Mail Email
.com Commerce The domain name of the business department
.edu education The domain name of the education department
.net The domain name of the network services department
.org Organization The domain name of a non-commercial organization
.gov Government The domain name of a government department
@ The separator between the user name and the domain name in the email (pronounced as at)
Optics Optical
Fiber Optics Optical fiber
ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network Integrated Services Digital Network
DDN Defense Data Service Digital Data Service
Bandwidth Bandwidth (transmission speed of network lines)
Broad Band Broadband (can accommodate data, audio and video signals in multiple channels at the same time)
Hacker (referring to a hacker who specializes in decryption everywhere on the Internet) , unidentified users who engage in informal activities such as obtaining information)
Newly added:
--Common English for computers [Repost]
access arm magnetic head arm , access arm
access time access time
adder adder
address address
alphanumeric alphanumeric
analog computer simulation computer
analyst analyst
area area
array array
assembler assembler
automation automation
band area
batch processing batch processing
binary code binary code
binary digit binary digit, Binary number
bit bit, one bit of binary
branch branch, branch line
brush brush
buffer storage buffer memory
p>calculator calculator
call instruction call instruction
card punch card punch machine
card reader card reader, card reader
cell unit
channel channel, channel
character character
ck digit check digit
circuit circuit, line
to clear clear, clear
clock clock
code code
to code coding
coder coder, coder
command instruction, command
compiler compiler
computer language Computer language
console console
control unit control unit, controller
core storage, core store core memory
counter counter
cybernetics control theory
cycle cycle
data data
data processing data processing
debugging debugging
decision formulation
digit number, digit, bit
digital computer digital computer
disc, disk disk
display unit display device
drum drum
to edit edit
emitter transmitter
to encode encoding
to erase erase, clean, erase
feed feed, supply
to feed feed, supply
feedback feedback
field field, information group, domain
file file
floppy disk floppy disk
floppy disk drive floppy disk drive
flow chart flow chart
frame frame
hardware hardware
identifier identifier
index index
information information
inline processing
input input
inquiry query
instruction command
integrated circuit integration circuit
to interpret explain item item, item
jump transfer
key key, key code
keyboard keyboard
latency time waiting time
library library, program library
linkage connection
to load load, register, write, load
location storage unit
logger register, recorder
loop loop
machine language machine language
magnetic storage magnetic storage
magnetic tape tape
matrix matrix
memory memory
message information, message
microcomputer microcomputer
module component, Module
monitor monitor, supervisory program, monitor
nanosecond nanosecond
network network, network
numeric, numerical number of, numerical value
octet octet, octet
operator operator
optical character reader optical character reader
optical scanner optical scanner
output output
overflow overflow
panel flat panel
parameter parameter
p>perforator punch machine
peripheral equipment peripheral equipment
personal computer personal computer
printed circuit printed circuit
printer printer
printout printout
to process processing
processing unit processing unit
program program
to program programming
programmer programmer
programming programming
punch punch
to punch punch hole
punched card, punch card punch card
punched tape, punch tape punch tape
punch hole hole, punch hole
random access random access
to read reading
reader reading program
reading reading
real time real time
record, register record
redundancy redundancy
routine routine
selector selector, selector
sentinel mark
sequence sequence, order
sequential sequence
serial serial. continuous
shift shift, shift Number
signal signal
simulation simulation
simulator simulator, simulation program
software software, software device
sort classification, sorting
sorter classification personnel, classification machine, classification program, sorting program
storage memory
to store storage
subroutine, subprogr
am subroutine
symbol symbol
symbolic language symbol language
system system
tabulator tabulator
teleprinter teletypewriter
terminal terminal
terminal unit terminal equipment
timer clock, precision timer
time sharing
p>timing timing
track track
transducer sensor, translator
translator translation program, translator
to update Update
Winchester disk drive Winchester disk drive, hard drive
working storage working storage
A brief explanation of computer English terms (1) Famous computer companies
Microsoft: Sometimes abbreviated to MS, it is the name of the world's most famous software vendor, the American software giant Microsoft. Microsoft is actually composed of two English words: Micro means "tiny" and Soft means "soft". Here it should be "Software, software". As the name suggests, Microsoft (Microsoft) is a company specializing in the production of software. More than 90% of today's microcomputers are equipped with Microsoft operating systems, such as MS-DOS 6.22, Windows 3.2, Windows 95, Windows NT, etc.
Intel: Intel Corporation is the world's largest manufacturer of CPUs (central processing units, known as the heart of computers) and related chips. About 80% of computers use CPUs produced by Intel. Its products range from the early 8088 to the currently popular Pentium, Pentium Pro, Pentium MMX, Pentium II, etc.
Pentium, Pentium Pro, and the Intel Inside logo: are registered trademarks of Intel Corporation. Pentium (pronounced as /'pentj?m/) is a famous CPU brand name, and its Chinese translation is "Pentium". People praise and talk about the "Pentium" computer all the time because the computer is equipped with the "Pentium" CPU produced by Intel Corporation.
AMD: The world's second largest CPU manufacturer, its main products include K5 and K6 MMX CPU series.
Cyrix: CPU manufacturer, its main products are M1 and M2 MMX CPU series.
Epson: Epson, the Japanese manufacturer of Epson printers.
HP: HP, the abbreviation of Hewlett Packard, is a famous American manufacturer of HP printers and computers.
Canon: Canon, a famous printer trademark. The famous Japanese printer manufacturer Canon. Canon means "religious laws and standards" in English. It can be seen that Canon was determined to make its products the "standard" of the industry at the beginning of its business.
Compaq: Chinese translated as "Compaq", American Compaq Computer Company, it is one of the largest computer companies in the world.
IBM: is the abbreviation of International Business Machine Company. IBM is an old American computer manufacturer and its products are internationally renowned brands.
Apple: English means "Apple", the American Apple Computer Company, which is famous for its production of high-performance professional-grade computers.
Acer: Taiwan's famous Acer computer company.
Tulip: English means "Tulip", coming from the European famous brand computer company, Tulip Computer Company.
Sony: Sony, Japan's Sony Corporation.
Toshiba: Toshiba, Japan's Toshiba Computer Company, mainly produces notebook computers.
Philips: Philips, a Dutch company, mainly produces color displays, optical drives, household appliances, etc.
Sumsung: Samsung, South Korea's Samsung Company, a famous color display manufacturer, also produces optical drives, home appliances, etc.
Brief explanation of computer terms in English (2) Common hardware names and device names
CPU: Central Processing Unit, central processing unit, also called central processing unit or microprocessor, is known as The heart of the computer.
RAM: Random Access Memory, random access memory, which is often referred to as "memory".
ROM: Read-Only Memory, read-only memory.
EDO: Extended Data Output, extended data output. When the processing speed of CPU continues to increase, it is also required to continuously increase the data transmission speed of DRAM. Generally speaking, the data transmission speed of FPM (Fast Page Model) DRAM is 60-70ns, while EDO DRAM is 3 times faster than FPM, reaching 20ns. . Currently the fastest is SDRAM (Synchronous DRAM, synchronous dynamic memory), with an access speed of up to 10ns.
SDRAM: Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory, synchronous dynamic random access memory, also known as synchronous DRAM, is a new generation of dynamic memory. It can use the same clock as the CPU bus. Therefore, SDRAM memory can greatly improve computer performance compared to EDO memory.
Cache: The English meaning is "a cellar (where prospectors and others store food, equipment, etc.); a storage place." Cache memory in a computer is a small but high-speed memory located between the CPU and the main memory DRAM (Dynamic Random Access Memory). It is usually composed of SRAM (Static Random Access Memory).
CMOS: is the abbreviation of Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor, which means complementary metal oxide semiconductor (referring to complementary metal oxide semiconductor memory). CMOS is a battery-powered memory (RAM) used in most computers today. It is an important tool for determining the hardware configuration of the system, optimizing the overall performance of the computer, and performing system maintenance. It saves some information about system hardware settings, etc., and this information continues to exist after shutting down (this is completely different from RAM). When turned on, the computer needs this information to start the system. If the information retained in CMOS is messed up carelessly or in an accident, the computer system will not be able to start normally.
PCI: Peripheral Component Interconnection, local bus (the bus is a high-speed channel used by computers to transfer information from one device to another). The PCI bus is currently a relatively advanced bus structure. Its functions are greatly improved compared to other buses. It can support burst read and write operations, with a maximum transmission rate of up to 132Mbps. It is one of the fastest buses for data transmission and can simultaneously Supports multiple sets of peripheral devices. PCI is not restricted by the CPU processor and is compatible with various existing buses. Its motherboard slot is small, so the cost is low and it is conducive to promotion.
Seagate: American Seagate hard drive manufacturer. Seagate means "gateway to the ocean" in English, often referring to canals leading to the sea, etc.
Quantum: The English meaning is "quantitative, total amount". Famous hard drive trademark, American hard drive manufacturer Quantum Corporation.
Maxtor: "Crystal", American Maxtor hard drive company.
LD: Laser Disk, laser disc, also known as laser video disc.
CD: Compact Disc, compressed optical disc, also known as laser disc.
CD-ROM: Compact Disc-Read Only Memory, compressed disc-read-only memory (storage), also called "read-only disc".
VCD: Video Compact Disc, a video compressed disc, which is commonly referred to as a "small video disc".
DVD: Many people still regard DVD as the abbreviation of Digital Video Disc. In fact, from September 1995, the two major DVD development groups Sony/Philips and Toshiba/Time Warner After reaching the unified DVD standard, the connotation of DVD has changed a lot. It has become a digital versatile disc, the abbreviation of Digital Versatile Disc. The "universal" meaning of Versatile indicates the diversification of DVD uses. It can be used not only for film and television entertainment, but also for multimedia computers and other fields. Currently, it can be divided into 5 types according to its usage: 1. Computer read-only disc - DVD-ROM; 2. Home-use audio and video disc - DVD-Movie; 3. DVD Audio specifically for music appreciation; 4. Write-only A one-time optical disc—DVD-R; 5. A disc that can be read and written multiple times—DVD-RAM.
Modem: Modem, a necessary tool for the Internet (International Internet) on home computers. The word Modem cannot be found in the general English-Chinese dictionary. It is a modulator (MOdulator) and a demodulator. (DEModulator) abbreviation. Modem is an essential external device for computer communication. Because computer data is a digital signal, in order to transmit it to another computer or other terminal (such as a teletypewriter, etc.) at a long distance through a transmission line (such as a telephone line), the digital signal must be converted into a format suitable for transmission. Analog signal (modulated signal). At the receiving end, the received analog signal must be restored to its original digital signal, which requires the use of a modem.
UPS: The English abbreviation of Uninterruptible Power Supply. It appeared with the birth of the computer and is one of the important peripheral devices of the computer. UPS is a constant voltage and constant frequency uninterruptible power supply that contains an energy storage device and is mainly composed of an inverter. It is used to protect the computer from losing important data when the power is suddenly cut off.
TFT: Active matrix color display, referred to as TFT display, is specially used for notebook computers. TFT displays have the advantages of fast refresh speed, vivid colors, and bright brightness. In addition, it also has the characteristics necessary for "green computers" such as no flicker, no radiation, and no static electricity.
A brief explanation of computer English terms (3) Famous computer languages
DOS: Disk Operating System, disk operating system. When it comes to DOS, anyone with a little computer knowledge will understand it. The main function of DOS is to manage the computer's hardware and software resources to facilitate users to operate the computer. Using DOS to operate a computer requires users to remember a large number of commands and their correct formats, which is difficult to learn. The emergence of Windows (Microsoft Windows operating system) marked the end of the DOS era and the arrival of the era of graphics-operated computers.
Windows: The meaning of Windows found in general English dictionaries is "windows". Window refers to Microsoft's famous new generation computer mainstream "Window Operating System".
It realizes control of the computer through the selection of some graphic icons (Icon), window (Window), menu (Menu), etc., which greatly facilitates users. The Windows operating system series products include Windows 3.1, Windows 3.2, and Windows 95 (because this product was produced in 1995, it was named Windows 95, and can also be written as Win95. PWindows 95 refers to the Chinese version of Windows 95), and its functions are more powerful. The latest products are Windows 98 and Windows 2000, etc. Windows 95 is currently one of the most famous and popular graphical operating systems.
Windows NT: Microsoft's famous network window operating system. NT is the abbreviation of New Technology.
OS/2 Warp: Operating System. It is a pure 32-bit operating system launched by IBM with excellent performance. At the same time, it can also provide complete DOS support. It is superior to Windows 95 in overall technology and is a strong competitor of Windows 95. Warp in OS/2 Warp means "bend; distort" in English. Here it refers to the alias IBM added for its new generation operating system OS/2. Warp is Frankenstein in the famous American science fiction movie "Star Wars". It compares software to Frankenstein in "Star Wars", which not only gives people a sense of surprise, but also hopes that users will transfer their good memories of "Star Wars" to Come to OS/2 software.
UNIX: A multi-user operating system.
UCDOS: A Chinese disk operation integrated system developed by Beijing Hope Computer Company. It is currently the Chinese platform with the largest number of users and the most widely used.
WPS: Word Processing System, a word processing system, a DOS platform Chinese character processing system developed by Hong Kong Kingsun in 1989 that integrates editing, printing and other functions. It is easy to learn and practical. Convenient and other advantages quickly occupied the market. In the glorious days of WPS in the past, when Chinese people mentioned computers, they were always associated with WPS. It can be said that "when talking about computers, WPS must be mentioned." WPS once became synonymous with Chinese word processing software. In the "National Computer Level 1 Examination" in recent years, WPS is the designated word processing examination content.
WPS97: Word Processing System, a word processing system produced by Zhuhai Jinshan Company (Kingsun), named WPS97 because it was launched in 1997. It is an upgraded product of WPS and is a word processing software that can run in Chinese environments such as UCDOS, Windows 3?X and Windows 95. It integrates WPS, electronic dictionary, Founder proofreading system, multiple internal code conversion, barcode production and other functions. While retaining the original text editing method, it supports WYSIWYG text processing method. It is a powerful set of pictures and texts. Super office software.
Office 97: Office means "office". This refers to Microsoft's advanced office integration software, produced in 1997, so it is called Office97. Office 97 includes: Word 97 (word processing software), Excel 97 (spreadsheet processing software), PowerPoint 97 (electronic slide presentation software), Outllook 97 (personal affairs management software integrating schedule management, email information exchange and other functions) .
Word 97: Word means "word" in English. Word 97 refers to Microsoft's advanced word processing software. Its series of products include Word 5.0, Word 6.0, Word 7.0, etc.
Excel 97: Excel means "better than, better than" in English. Excel 97 is a spreadsheet software in the Microsoft Office 97 software package. At the beginning, the spreadsheet was only used as an electronic version of the financial account statement, that is, the financial account statement in the computer was used to replace the printed financial account statement, and simple arithmetic operations could be performed on a row or column of data in the table. Microsoft Excel 97 is recognized as the most powerful, technologically advanced, and convenient spreadsheet software currently available.
Lotus 1-2-3: Lotus means "lotus". Lotus 1-2-3 is an integrated software under the Windows environment launched by the American Lotus Company. It combines commonly used spreadsheet, word processing, database, graphics software, and file management functions into one system, and can Transfer and call information to each other.
Photoshop: It is composed of two words: Photo (photo) and Shop (store; factory). It can be seen that Photoshop is a "factory for processing photos." It is the most popular image editing software produced by Adobe in the United States and runs on Macintosh and Windows-based computers. It allows people to edit paintings, artworks and pictures scanned to disk. In addition, Photoshop also provides tools similar to drawing on paper, with the help of which you can create naturalistic pictures like watercolors and oil paintings.
CorelDraw: It is a powerful comprehensive drawing software. Many professional computer art designers use it to create various desktop printed materials with rich graphics and text, such as invitations, briefings, promotional materials, posters, advertisements, etc. You can draw anything with CorelDraw: from technical drawings such as business district maps, mechanical structure assembly drawings, to computer art works such as comics and monsters, CorelDraw can do almost everything. The graphics and text created by it have the characteristics of smooth lines and clear outlines.
Authorware: It is composed of two English words: Author (writer; creator) and Ware (commodity; item; utensil). As the name suggests, it is "the tool used by writers to create goods." It is a multimedia system production tool developed by the American Macromedia Company. It has a professional version (Authorware Professional) and a learning version (Authorware Star) in the Windows environment. Authorware is an icon-oriented multimedia production tool that enables non-professionals to quickly develop multimedia software. Its powerful functions are amazing. It does not require traditional computer language programming. It only edits some activity flow charts that control the direction of the program by calling icons, and brings together text, graphics, sound, animation, video and other multimedia project data to achieve multimedia software. purpose of production. Authorware's design idea of ??editing flow charts by calling icons to replace traditional computer language programming is its main feature. Its main functions are still: 1. The compiled software has powerful interactive functions and can control the program flow arbitrarily. 2? In human-machine dialogue, it provides multiple response methods such as button pressing, mouse pressing, and time limit. 3? It also provides many system variables and functions to perform specific functions based on user response. 4. In addition to running in its integrated environment, the compiled software can also be compiled into a file with the extension "EXE" and run independently of the Authorware production environment under the Windows system.
Oracle: English means "smart person, sage, philosopher". In computer English, it refers to the large-scale high-performance relational database system software developed by the American Oracle Company. Among many database systems, such as IBM's DB2 Database, Sybase database of Sybase, etc., only the Oracle database system has been widely praised for its excellent and stable performance, reliable security, strong networking capabilities, and rich and fast development tools. Therefore, it has always accounted for more than 40% of global database sales, firmly ranking as the leader in the database industry, and has won almost all awards in numerous competitions. It has been hailed as "the giant in the database industry" by the most famous computer review magazine "PC MAGAZINE" in the United States. No tyrant". In China, Oracle database has also been widely used and promoted along with the development of my country's computer technology.
PCTools: Personal Computer Tools, personal computer tools. It is a computer maintenance tool exported by the American Central Point Software Company. It integrates file management and disk management, streamlines and enhances conventional applications, and is a set of multi-functional utility software. Using PCTools can replace many commands of DOS. Compared with DOS, its operation is easier, more intuitive and simple, and it is a commonly used tool software for those who are good at computers.
NU: It is the abbreviation of Norton Untilities. Norton is the famous computer expert Norton. Utility means "utility tool" in English. Here it refers to the personal computer written by Mr. Norton to solve the problems of DOS system. Tool software. In its plural form it can be thought of as a collection of personal computer tools and software. NU is a powerful and popular computer maintenance tool after PCTools. Ordinary users can use NDD (Norton Disk Doctor), the most famous tool in NU, to solve most disk problems; professionals can use the flexible and powerful DiskEdit tool to solve professional data maintenance problems.