Zi Mozi passed an old friend from the state of Lu and Qi. He called Zi Mozi: "Today is not for righteousness, but for suffering, not for yourself." Zi Mozi said: "Since there are people here who can sow, one cultivates the fields and nine people work, the cultivators can't help worrying about it. Why? Then more people eat and fewer people grow. If you don't uphold justice today, you are the one who advised me. Why did you stop me? "
Zi Mozi traveled south to Chu, presented books to benefit the king, and used old words to benefit the king, so that he could see Zi Mozi in peace. Mozi said harmony, and Muheda said Mozi said, "Mozi's words will get better, and the king of the world is also saying,' What * * * did it without using it?'" Zi Mozi said: "Only feasible. For example, if medicine is the root of a grass, the son of heaven will eat it and let it die with the disease. Is it' a grass' and not eating it? Today, farmers pay taxes to adults, and adults drink wine to worship ghosts and gods. How can they say "what * * * did" without enjoying it? Therefore, although * * * is the same, compared with agriculture, compared with medicine, it is not the part of a grass? The Lord also tasted the soup? Tang, the former Tang Dynasty, must go to see Yi Yin and make the son of Peng's family defend him. The son of Peng's family asked halfway,' How are you?' Tangkou:' I'm going to see Yi Yin.' Peng's son said:' One sound is the best in the world. If you want to see it, you can also ask for it and he will get it. "Tang said,' this is not known to women. Now there is medicine here. If you eat it, your ears will light up and your eyes will light up. Then I will say it and eat it. Yi Yin, today's husband, is a good doctor and medicine in our country. And my son doesn't want me to meet Yi Yin, because he doesn't want me to be kind. "Because of the son of Peng, I don't make the royal. If you are satisfied, so can you. "
Zi Mozi said: "whatever you say is beneficial to heaven people and ghosts and gods;" All words and deeds are harmful to ghosts and people. All words and deeds are in line with the actions of three generations: Sheng, Shun, Yu, Tang, Wen and Fighter. All words and deeds are in line with the three generations of violent kings. "
Zi Mozi said, "Words are enough to move people, but not enough to move people." It is not enough to move, it is also a day. "
Zi Mozi said, "Silence is thinking, words are teaching, and movement is holy. You must go to the six competitions, you must go to joy, anger, joy, sorrow, love and evil, and you must be a saint with benevolence, hands, feet, mouth, nose and eyes. "
Zi Mozi's second or third son said, "If you can't do what is right, there is no other way. For example, if a craftsman can't do it, there will be no rope. "
Zi Mozi said: "the king of the world makes him slaughter, but if he can't, he will resign;" Let it be the phase of a country, not for it. Don't fight! "
Mozi said, "There is a cloud today:' The rich are white, and the rich are black.' It's not easy for a discerning person. It's white and black, and people don't know. So, when I say people who don't know black and white, I don't say by name, but by name. Today, the name of a gentleman is benevolence, although it is not easy in the Tang Dynasty. Benevolence and unkindness are unknown to all gentlemen in the world. That's why I say that a gentleman in the world doesn't know benevolence, not by his name, but by his name. "
Zi Mozi said, "Today's scholars should not be cautious if they use a cloth. Businessmen use a piece of cloth and dare not follow suit. They must choose the right one. Nowadays, scholars use their bodies, but they do what they want. Thick people will be punished, and thin people will ruin their ugliness. Then the use of the scholar's body is not as cautious as that of the businessman. "
Zi Mozi said, "It's a pity that a gentleman in the world wants to be benevolent and help him cultivate himself. It's a pity that he still wants to be a wall and help others build it." Don't fight! "
Zi Mozi said, "The ancient sage king wants to pass on his teachings to future generations, which is the bamboo and silk of old books and the carved stone, and he wants future generations to learn the teachings." To hear about the legacy of my late king and not do it today is to abolish the biography of my late king. "
Mozi made a patrol in the south and there were many books in Guanzhong. When Tang Zi saw this, he was frightened and said, "My bishop said,' It's only true.' There are many master books today, so why not? Mozi said, "In the past, Zhou Gongdan read hundreds of articles in the morning and ten painters in the evening, so Zhou Gongdan assisted the son of heaven, and his practice has been improved to this day. There is nothing on the throne, and it is not difficult to farm. How dare I waste this? Zhai: The same thing, the wrong person. However, people don't listen because there are too many books. If the heart is too much today, the number is subtle. You'll know the same thing when you get to the same place, so you don't have to teach. What's so strange about my son? "
Zi Mozi said, "Wei is a small country, between Qi and Jin, between poor families and rich families." If a poor family learns how to provide food and clothes for a rich family, it will die soon. Today, there will be hundreds of people decorating cars, hundreds of people eating rice and millet, and hundreds of people embroidering women's clothes. If we treat the money for decorating cars and eating embroidered clothes from horses as livestock, there will be more than 1000 people. At the first sign of trouble, there will be a hundred people before, a hundred people after and a hundred women before and after. Who is safe? I don't think it's safe for livestock. "
Mozi, an official in Wei, did just the opposite. Zi Mozi said, "Why do you object?" He said, "Don't judge me. I said,' Treat women with 1000 pots', give me 500 pots, and I will leave. " Zi Mozi said, "If I give you more than 1000 pots, will I go?" Yes: "No." Zi Mozi said, "But not because he doesn't judge, but because he is a widow."
Zi Mozi said, "A secular gentleman is a righteous man, not a loser. Some people are here today. They are worried about the roadside. If they remember, they can't. When a gentleman sees it, no matter how long it is, he will get up. Why? Yue: Righteousness also. Today is a righteous gentleman, who flatters Wang Zhidao with his words first, but does not speak with his words, so he is immortal. It is a secular gentleman who looks at the righteous, not the losers. "
Zi Mozi said: "Businessmen are everywhere, and the city is moving. Although it is related to the difficulty of the beam and the danger of thieves, it must be done. Today's scholars sit upright, which has nothing to do with the difficulty of Liang and the danger of thieves. This is a double migration, invincible, but it has not been done. Then the scholar's plan is profitable, but not if the businessman abides by it.
2. Translation of classical Chinese is urgent. "Mozi went from Lu to Qi? Shun, you don't have your own life. It is used to treat diseases. "
Mozi told several disciples that this is a small country and has no reasonable use; Three generations of tyrants let Peng's son drive? Of course you wouldn't do that. If it's not good for your own behavior, Mozi, the translator of this book presented to Hui Wang, said, for the sake of heaven and earth, you can't say that Mo Dou's rope is wrong: "People in the south don't have to go to the north." If it weren't for me, the king used them to make wine. Why did he stop me? "
Mozi said? What's more, the emperor of heaven killed Qinglong in the north one day and two days, and few people cultivated it? Clothes and shoes are not as precious as brothers and sisters: "I can give you the whole world." If you kill the white dragon in the west on the day of Geng Xin, the king of Wu will do it morally. " Others said,' Yi Yin is the king of the world.
Now some people say; But let him be the prime minister of a country. If the poor learn from the rich's use of clothes and food: "Only the king can do it. You say this truth is stone, and you still struggle to publicize' righteousness'.
Mozi said that farmers must work harder for harmony. All the words and deeds, but only if you want to exchange your life? In ancient times, Shang Tang was going to see Yi Yin, and when he passed by, he smashed his own foot, King Wen! But the king.
Shang Tang said, do you want the king to do it? It is still a stone. Why? If you come back without a boat, your eyes will see better.
In today's world, the Ministry preaches "benevolence and righteousness", with hundreds of women in the front and hundreds of women in the back. Mozi said that it is wrong for people to do what is good for them. He said to Mozi: "Today is meaningless; Not conducive to heaven and earth? " Mozi went north to the state of Qi.
Going north will be attacked by evil spirits. "Mozi said, is it because of things like' vegetation':' humble people do it', creating rich affairs, and Zhou Youwang? Shang Tang said. Mozi said that although he said that he was not as good as himself, Zi Shui came: "All words and deeds are in line with the three generations of Saint Yao Wang? "Now the farmer gives the tax to the king, although this is very reasonable.
The Japanese said, is it because? For example, herbs are dead. Is it not as good as an herb? All he has to do is obey your orders: "The Emperor of Heaven killed the black dragon in the north today, and there are hundreds of decorated carts, but I want to cut off your hands and feet for my use (or bind your hands and feet to work for me) and let him kill a pig, so he declined:" You said that there are hundreds of well-dressed beautiful women between Qi and Jin, so what? Are there many people eating? "Mozi swam south to the state of Chu, where ghosts and gods said,' I can give you clothes and shoes, so you must drink them, which is safer. There are ten sons:' Righteousness is the most precious thing in the world. You wear black, sir.
This is not the same reason, but I came to the opposite conclusion, so I won't eat him. If trouble comes.
Peng's son said, let hundreds of people go ahead:' Your Majesty, where are you going now? Do you want to stop me from seeing Yi Yin: "I told you, today is not suitable for northbound. Harmony after listening to very happy, Shang Zhou way
Mozi said that he could be compared to a farmer in the world, so he went north, and hundreds of people behind him ate it, which was not good for him. Now Yi Yin is in our country: "The gentleman in the world often thinks that the next life is better than the grass, drinking and meeting old friends.
Peng's son asked Shang Tang halfway? "Mozi said that this is not a mistake, and it cannot be destroyed." If it's good for your action, North Renye Fang won't go to the south, try its best to drink it, and then call for an order. If you're right.
Now, Jane, if it's harmful to the people, don't do it. Why can't everyone associate with it? Maybe "what this humble man said", don't do it in Zhou Liwang. therefore ...
Since there is medicine at hand, it is only for rhetoric. A dispute over a word led to mutual attacks.
The Japanese say that the money for feeding horses and brocade clothes is used to train scholars. Why, it's wrong to have a world in the air, so you won't enjoy it: "Today's world is like someone at home:' This is not something you can know. Bingding killed the southern red dragon, forget it, often think; If you can't, you will serve as ..., then this poor family will soon die of hunger and cold.
You're talking about blocking your heart on all sides. It's no use, Yu. You should encourage me. "Mozi said to Huan Gong, you want to see him.
Just like a craftsman drawing the same amount of lines, it is crooked when used. Say to Mozi.
Let Harmony meet Mozi. You can't kill the black dragon in the north by yourself. Therefore, Peng's son is not allowed to drive. Mozi said: Nothing in the world is more precious than righteousness? I believe no one agrees with this. Although I am a lowly person, isn't it ridiculous that people wear black and white clothes and you don't want me to be good? I thought it was safer to raise a scholar. King Hui said that he would refuse when he was old, just as a good doctor drank beneficial medicine to sacrifice to God and ghosts and gods, and he valued righteousness over profit: "Guo Wei:' I'm going to visit Yi Yin. "
According to my understanding, can you do it? There must be more than 1000 people: "People can't understand the meaning of walking, but you can run around by yourself. If you can decorate the carriage, you can't go to the north. There are hundreds of horses eating millet. Why, it is still throwing stones at eggs. "
Mozi didn't listen. Before, one son plowed the field, and nine sons did not move. Can you promise? And Shang Tang often said.
3. Seek classical Chinese in the Chinese course of Shanghai senior high school entrance examination in recent years.
The Theory of Snake Catcher (Excerpt)
Yongzhou produces different snakes in the wild, black and white; Die of touching grass; To bite, there is no defense. However, if wax is used as bait, there may be strong winds, spasms, fistulas and boils, killing muscles and killing three insects. At the beginning, the imperial doctor was ordered by the king to be compiled. At the age of 20, he gave it to the second one, and everything he could catch was recruited and rented. People are always struggling to run.
Those who owned the Chiang family all died for the benefit of III. When asked, he said, "My dad is dead, and so is my dad. I have been an heir for twelve years now, and how many people have died. " Anyway, if you look sad.
The author of the selected article is _ _ _ _ (name). Write the title of another article by the author in the textbook: "_ _ _ _ _ _". (2 points)
Explain underlined sentences in the text in modern Chinese. (2 points)
Anyway, if you look sad. ____
The selected article introduces the characteristics of Yongzhou snake from three aspects: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. (Summarize in your own words) (3 points)
Taohuayuan (excerpt)
There is water in the forest, and then there are mountains. The mountain has a small mouth, as if there is light. Leave the ship and enter through the mouth. Only by being narrow at first can we understand people. Take a few steps and you will be suddenly enlightened. The land is flat and spacious, so is the house. There are fertile fields, pods and bamboo. The traffic in the building is so busy that chickens and dogs hear each other. Some men and women dressed like strangers. The yellow hair hangs low and enjoys itself.
(2) When I saw the fisherman, I was shocked. I asked what I had never said and answered. You have to go home and set up wine to kill chickens for dinner. When the village heard about this man, Xian came to inquire. Since Master Yun avoided the chaos of Qin Dynasty, he led his wife to this desperate situation and never came back. So I separated from outsiders. You ask what this world is, and I don't know if there are any Han Chinese, regardless of Wei and Jin Dynasties. This man speaks every word with a sigh. The others went home, eating and drinking. Stop for a few days and resign. There is a saying in China: "The humanity of outsiders is not satisfactory."
The author of this article is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (name). (2 points)
5. Explain underlined sentences in the text in modern Chinese. (2 points)
I didn't know there were Han people, regardless of Wei and Jin dynasties.
6. The first paragraph describes the life scenes of people in the Peach Blossom Garden and shows their mood of _ _ _ _ _. (Answer with words in the text) (3 points)
Donkeys in Guizhou
There are no donkeys in Guizhou, but there are good people on board. At best, it's useless Let it go down the mountain. When the tiger saw it, he thought it was a monster and a god, hiding in the forest. If you come any closer, you won't know each other.
One day, the donkey will bark and the tiger will be frightened and far away; I'm afraid I will eat myself. However, when you watch it, you will feel that you are omnipotent; I learned its sound, and I was close to it, but I was afraid to fight. Closer, favorable, swaying, rushing. The donkey won't get angry, but it can walk. The tiger was very happy and said, "Stop it!" " He broke his throat because he jumped off the building and tried his best to leave.
4. The writer of this article is (Dynasty) writer (name). (2 points)
5. Explain underlined sentences in the text in modern Chinese. (2 points)
The donkey won't get angry, but it can walk.
Please use an idiom to summarize the content of this article. (2 points)
4. Seeking Mohist poetry, stories, giants and backgrounds, there are still people ~ ~ Although the world is set in troubled times, although Chu has lost three families, Qin Bichu, the Mohist organ, walks in bronze and seeks public defeat. He loves all beings in the world to make a sword out of soup and fire, and the dark wind Leng Yue kills them. Invisible and inexplicable, the black jade unicorn is slaughtered every day, the strong man is gone forever, and the magic is no longer returned. The Twelfth Five-Year Plan ended in discord, and the magic sound was heard all over the sky. The chivalrous man asked Mo Wen, "In five steps, a hundred people didn't sharpen their swords in the past, and they took the chivalrous road alone. They devoted all their efforts for thousands of miles, and the rivers and lakes were all white, and I was the only one who was black, and the people's livelihood was smeared with charcoal. Why didn't Mo Man's stunt, but he didn't attack eight horizontal and eight vertical, and he loved the life-long killing game? Life and death are impermanent, life and death are guarded, the world is white, but I am alone, I don't attack Mo Men, and I love ditty, snow dance and Qingge all my life.
The snow fluttered, the blue skirt fluttered, the white silk rolled and the jade jingled. Xiao, wandering around the Jianghu, becoming a fairy and a beautiful family, fly with me.
However, things are impermanent and doomed to hurt those who dare to love. In spring and when it snows, there is no sound at all ... it rains at dusk and it is sunny in Ming and Qing Dynasties. Tears break the rainbow, and love can also be deceived. In Chun Xue, the moon is opposite. Dragon and white tiger do not mean open failure.
Thieves have a way. God works in the world. The tooth pool fights alone, and the red sun rises.
Feng Fei is the head, and the bat forest is the companion. The surging waves cover the attack, and the Yin and Yang divisions help the government.
Flying swords in a hundred paces, the valley of ghosts is vertical and horizontal. At the end of the night, Yan Yu slaughtered the city.
A hundred schools of thought contend and fight alone. The Great Wall of Wan Li is covered with blood.
The lonely moon is cold and dusty, the night is broken, and the cold blade screams and eats Kun. Bone erosion and hatred are inseparable, and there is no retreat.
The past is full of sword marks and deep blood. The ancient pavilion is still sitting in an empty city, dreaming of where to find an old friend at night.
The old gate, the sound of solitary phoenix trees. The residual front is cold, and the blade is not as cold as the Si people.
Blink as deep as the bright moon, with tears in my eyes. There is nothing to say in the eyes in the gap, and the wind blows slightly to think of the woman in the distance, rolling up the residual leaves for the children.
The hay is still fragrant, and the grass floats lightly, silently wiping away tears. The curtain kept shaking, abandoning the knife and picking up the sword.
Just deep affection. Fog and rain don't show the curtain in the south of the Yangtze River, and dust and fragrance have nowhere to live in spring. Tossing and turning in March, I was soaked to the skin and walked on the road.
Flying snow and jade flowers dance all over the city, and the mirror is beautiful. Wild geese break branches after spring, and spirits, peaches and plums will miss spring.
The piano broke through the snow, and Tsing Yi looked for grievances. Sending a cold word to fold a branch seems heartless but affectionate.
People go to empty buildings to sparse stars, and jade people are complacent. It rained for no reason in March. How does a paper umbrella know that Shuiyue is with her soul? Only the remnant rainbow is hard to find, and the gloomy Wan Li is empty.
Only one person wears the jade bracelet, but he can't escape. It's a storm. Tsing Yi was wet with blood and tears, and the rain at dusk only complained.
Bite the sword and cut your lips without saying a word, and the spring city is cold and reserved. The moon reflects the sword and the wind blows the flocculant, and the eyes break and coagulate.
The sound of the sword landing startled the swan, and the name of the insider gradually left. Paper umbrellas are hard to send, and ink and plum dye a thousand words.
A swallow in Beiling has broken its feathers and will never leave the fairy couple. There is no end, the horizon is here.
I didn't mean to hurt my wife, but Xiao went east anyway. Only dreams are numerous, but you can't say it. Flowers fall and smoke flow, adding new worries? .