What's the difference between a common trademark and a collective trademark?
A: Two or more natural persons, legal persons or other organizations * * * apply to the Trademark Office for registration, and both parties enjoy and exercise the same trademark, which is called * * * trademark. Features of * * * trademarks: (1) An important feature of * * * trademarks is the diversity of their subjects. * * * The subject with trademark right is two or more natural persons, legal persons or other organizations, indicating the plural number of the subject of right rather than the plural number of the object of right. Several people enjoy the exclusive right to the same trademark based on the same registration or the same assignee, which is the trademark right of * * * *; If it is the exclusive right of several trademarks enjoyed by the same subject, it does not constitute the trademark right of * * *. (2) Another characteristic of the trademark right of * * * is the oneness of its rights. * * * A trademark right is one trademark right instead of several trademark rights, and * * * one refers to * * * of the same trademark instead of * * * of several trademarks. If several people enjoy the exclusive right to use a trademark and the exclusive right to use b trademark, then two independent * * * have the trademark right, not one * * *. (3) It should be pointed out that * * * owns the trademark right, which means that the indexer owns the right to the same trademark * * *, regardless of the goods and services used by the trademark. If there is only one trademark owner, no matter how many kinds of goods or services the trademark is used in, it will not be a * * * trademark. On the contrary, a * * * trademark is a * * * trademark whether it is used in one or more goods or services. In other words, the trademark right of * * * will not be different because of the types of goods or services it uses. COLLECTIVEMARK refers to a sign registered in the name of a group, association or other organization and used exclusively by the members of the organization in commercial activities to show the membership of users in the organization. Characteristics of collective trademark: (1) A collective trademark does not belong to a single natural person, legal person or other organization, that is, it belongs to a community organization composed of multiple natural persons, legal persons or other organizations, which means that goods or services come from a collective organization, which can be a specific guild, chamber of commerce and other industrial and commercial organizations or other collective organizations, and the providers of specific goods or services take a back seat as members. It embodies the characteristics of "* *" and "* * *"; (2) A collective trademark is a collective right that is applied for registration in the name of a collective and owned by all its members, which is reflected in the application for registration of a collective trademark, that is, only a collective organization with legal personality can apply, because only a collective organization with legal personality can own the trademark right in the name of its collective independence; (3) Collective trademarks are reflected in the use of trademarks, that is, collective organizations usually do not use collective trademarks, but are used by members of the organization. Non-members of the organization cannot use it; Every member has equal right to use, and there is no subordinate relationship between members; At the same time, it is necessary to supervise the use of its collective members and deal with members who violate the rules of use; (4) Uniform rules should be formulated for the registration, use and management of collective trademarks, specifying in detail the rights, obligations and responsibilities of members, as well as the amount and use of management fees, and making them public. Collective members should abide by each other and accept public supervision; (5) When a collective trademark is infringed, it shall include the losses suffered by the members of the collective organization; (6) When a member withdraws from the collective, he can no longer use the collective trademark. When new members join, they can use collective trademarks because they have obtained membership. This membership relationship is non-transferable, and so is the right to use a trademark based on this identity relationship. (7) Geographical indications can be registered as collective trademarks. Natural persons, legal persons or other organizations whose products meet the requirements for using geographical indications registered as collective trademarks may request to join a group, association or other organization registered with the geographical indications as collective trademarks, and the group, association or other organization shall be accepted as a member in accordance with its articles of association; Those who do not require to join the group, association or other organization that uses the geographical indication as a collective trademark may also use the geographical indication properly, and the group, association or other organization has no right to prohibit it. In particular, Article 16 of China's Measures for the Administration of the Registration of Collective Trademarks and Certification Trademarks clearly stipulates that "if an applicant applies for the transfer of a collective trademark or certification trademark, the transferee shall have the corresponding subject qualification and comply with the provisions of the Trademark Law, the implementing regulations and these Measures." Therefore, collective trademarks are transferable in China. Collective trademark