It means that the Trademark Office has received your trademark application, the application materials meet the requirements, and it has been officially accepted.
The trademark acceptance notice does not mean that the trademark has passed the examination, which means that it does not mean that your trademark has been approved for registration. It only means that the Trademark Office has received your application.
It is a voucher that the Trademark Office gives to the party after receiving the application, similar to a receipt.
After the applicant submits a complete trademark registration application to the Trademark Office, the Trademark Office will issue the applicant a "Notice of Acceptance", informing the applicant that the Trademark Office has accepted his application and inform him of the application date. . ?
The trademark acceptance notice can usually be obtained in about one month.
This notice also indicates that the application documents submitted by the applicant meet the requirements and the application procedures are complete, so the Trademark Office decides to accept its application.
Article 12 of the "Trademark Law Implementing Rules" stipulates: "If the application procedures are complete and the application documents are filled in in accordance with the regulations, the application number will be compiled and a "Notice of Acceptance" will be issued."