Chen Liang said: the first emperor did not start a business, and the middle road collapsed; Today's three points, Yizhou exhausted disadvantages, this is also the key autumn. However, the Minister of Security is persistent; Loyalist, forgetful: I want to report the special experience of Gai Zhui and the late emperor to your Majesty. If you are sincere, you should listen to the holy spirit, with the light of the legacy of the first emperor and the spirit of the people; It is not advisable to sell yourself short, quote nonsense, and block the road of loyal advice.
In the palace, everything is one; It is not appropriate to punish different people with the same: if you are a traitor and a loyal and kind person, you should pay the minister to discuss his reward and punishment to show your majesty's just rule; Selfishness is not desirable, so there is a difference between inside and outside. Shi Zhong, Assistant Minister Guo Youzhi, Fei Yi, Dong Yun, etc. , are kind and upright, are loyal and pure. They are based on the suggestion of the former emperor: I think that everything in the palace, big or small, should be discussed and then implemented, which will definitely make up the gap and be profitable. Xiang Chong, a general, has a good personality and fluent military style. He tried in the past. The first emperor called it "energy" based on the discussion of many people. He thinks that no matter what happens in the camp, no matter how big or small, it can make the front line harmonious and each has its own advantages and disadvantages.
Pro-sages, far villains, this first Han is so prosperous; You little people, far from being wise ministers, have been so depressed in the Han Dynasty ever since. When the first emperor was around, every time I talked to the minister about it, I always sighed and hated Yu Huan and Ling Ye! Shi Zhong, Shang Shu, Chang Shi, joined the army. I know I'm also a priest of Liang Zhen's Day of Death. I hope your majesty's cronies will make the Han Dynasty prosperous. You wait.
I'm a commoner, I've done my best for Nanyang, I'm willing to risk my life in troubled times, and I don't want Wenda to become a vassal. The first emperor didn't treat his ministers with meanness, and his accusation was self-defeating. He took care of his ministers in the thatched cottage and was grateful for what had happened in this world, so he promised the first emperor to drive him away. After the value was overthrown, when I was appointed to the defeated army, I was ordered to be in danger: I have been here for twenty years.
The first emperor knew that I was cautious, and just when I was about to collapse, he sent a minister to attend a big event. Since taking office, he has been sighing all night, fearing that the entrustment will not work, which will hurt the understanding of the first emperor; So crossing the Luzhou River in May, nothing grows. Today, the south has been decided, and the armor is sufficient. The reward of the three armies, the determination of the Central Plains in the north and the revival of the Han Dynasty are also the reasons why I am loyal to your Majesty. As for the consideration of gains and losses, if you keep your word, it will be appointed by you, Yi and Yun.
May your majesty entrust the effect of bringing back the dead to the minister, and if it doesn't work, he will sue the spirit of the first emperor for punishing the minister; If you don't preach virtue, you, Yi and Yun should be blamed for their slow response. Your majesty should also ask for help, consult the good way, and make a thorough study of the imperial edict. I am very grateful! Stay away from it today, and you will cry and be confused.
After) a model.
The first emperor was worried about the Han thief and was not partial, so he asked me to ask the thief. With the wisdom of the late emperor, we can measure the talents of ministers, so we know that if I cut thieves, the enemy will be weak and the enemy will be strong. If we don't kill the thief, Wang Ye will die. But sitting still, which one is it? That's why I became suspicious. On the day I was ordered, I was restless and unwilling to eat; Thinking about the Northern Expedition, we should enter the south first: therefore, we crossed Luzhou in May, went deep into the barren land, and had a solar eclipse. -I have to cherish myself: Gu can't be partial to the capital of Shu, so he took risks and served the legacy of my late emperor. The discussant called it unplanned. Now thieves hate the west and serve the east. Sun Tzu's Art of War: It is also the time to advance. I sincerely wish Chen Qi:
Emperor Gao Ming and the sun and the moon, the adviser is deep, but the danger is made, and the danger is safe; Now your majesty is not as good as the emperor, and the adviser is not as good as him, but he wants to win with a long-term strategy and settle the world: this minister has not solved a thing. Liu you and Wang lang, each according to the state and county, talk about the plan, move the sage, and the ministers are suspicious and difficult to stuff; No war this year, no conscription next year, let Sun Ce take the big seat, and then we will join Jiangdong: this minister has not solved the second problem. Cao Cao's wisdom is not available to others. He imitates Sun and Wu with his soldiers. But he was trapped in Nanyang, dangerous in Wuchao, dangerous in Qilian, forced to Liyang, defeated the mountain several times, almost died in Tongguan, and then took a vacation for a while; The minister is weak, but he must be determined to keep up with the crisis: this minister has not solved three problems. Cao Cao couldn't conquer Changba five times, but he couldn't cross Chaohu Lake four times. He appointed Li Fu and Li Fu to work out, and appointed Xiahou and Xia Houdun, who lost. Every time the late emperor called Cao Cao a capable person, it was still a loss. How can I win under the minister's crossbow? The minister failed to solve four problems. Since I arrived in Hanzhong, I have lost Zhao Yun, Yang Qun, Ma Yu, Yan Zhi, Li Ding, Bai Shou, Liu He and Deng Tong. There are more than 70 people driving long chariots, and all of a sudden 1000 people are riding on the mountain. This is all within a few decades, the quartet elite is not owned by one country; If it is a plural year, it will cost two thirds. -Why should I plan the enemy? The minister failed to solve five problems. Today, the people are poor and tired, and they are in Fukashi; If things can't stop, then live and travel, work and pay; Not as good as today's picture, I want to stay in a state with the thief: the minister has not solved six problems.
It is difficult for a husband to make peace, and things are also. Yesterday, the first emperor was defeated in Chu. At this time, Cao Cao clapped his hands and said that the world was settled. The first emperor invaded wuyue in the east, took Ba and Shu in the west, and sent his troops to the north to behead Xia Houdun: this was a mistake, but it was a success in China. -Then Wu Geng violated the alliance, Guan Yu was defeated, Zigui fell, and Cao Pi proclaimed himself emperor: Everything is so hard to see irreversibility. I try my best to die; As for failure and outspoken, the minister doesn't know.