Trademark classification rules are a set of standards and regulations that divide and classify trademarks into different categories based on the characteristics and uses of different goods or services. The purpose is to better manage and protect trademarks.
According to the "International Trademark Classification Standards", trademark classification details are divided into 34 categories, of which categories 1-34 respectively represent different goods or services, as follows:
Class 1 : Chemical raw materials, chemical products, cosmetics, pesticides and other similar goods
Category 2: Pigments, coatings, varnishes, nail polish, paints and other similar goods
Category 3: Cosmetics, Perfumes, soaps, shampoos, detergents and other similar products
Category 4: Industrial oils, industrial greases, industrial waxes, lubricants and other similar products
Category 5: Medicines, medicines Dressings, disinfectants, medical supplies, oral cleaners and other similar products
Category 6: Metal materials, metal products, iron materials, steel, excavators and other similar products
Category 7: Machines, mechanical equipment, power tools, agricultural machinery and other similar goods
8 categories: hand tools, knives, scissors, planers, hammers, pliers, razors and other similar goods
9 categories :Scientific instruments, measuring instruments, electronic equipment, computers, communication equipment and other similar goods
Category 10: Medical equipment, rehabilitation equipment, glasses, watches, jewelry and other similar goods
Category 11 : Lamps, gas stoves, air purifiers, heaters and other similar goods
Category 12: Vehicles, vehicle parts, tires, motorcycles and other similar goods
Category 13: Tobacco products, Lighters, pipes, cigarettes and other similar products
Category 14: Jewelry, precious metals, watches, astronomical instruments and other similar products
Category 15: Musical instruments, audio equipment, records, performance clothing and other similar products Commodities
Category 16: paper, printed matter, office supplies, books, maps and other similar products
Category 17: rubber products, plastic plates, tubes, resin and other similar products
Category 18: Leather products, luggage, umbrellas, hunting gear, saddles and other similar goods
Category 19: Non-metal building materials, glass products, stone, asphalt and other similar goods
< p>Category 20: Furniture, pillows, bedding, woolen fabrics and other similar productsCategory 21: Kitchenware, tableware, brooms, brushes and other similar products
Category 22: Sewing supplies, textiles, etc. Similar products
Category 23: fur, feathers, cotton, textiles, clothing and other similar products
Category 24: textiles, bedding, quilt covers, pillowcases and other similar products
Category 25: Clothing, shoes and hats, socks, ties and other similar goods
Category 26: Buttons, zippers, hooks, ribbons and other similar goods
Category 27: Carpets, mats, wallpapers and interior decorations and other similar products
Category 28: toys, game equipment, sports equipment, entertainment supplies and other similar products
Category 29: food, meat, frozen food, nuts, Fruits and other similar commodities
Category 30: condiments, edible oils, sugar, coffee, tea and other similar commodities
Category 31: agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, hunting, fishing, etc. Similar products
Category 32: beer, beverages, juices, sodas, alcoholic beverages and other similar products
Category 33: wine, spirits, vineyard supplies and other similar products
Category 34: Tobacco, smoking sets and other similar products.