In many information and reports about well-known trademarks, Tongrentang trademark is considered as the first well-known trademark in China. Tongrentang was recognized as a well-known trademark by the Trademark Office in 1989, but in fact it is not the first well-known trademark recognized by the State Trademark Office. The first well-known trademark recognized by the Trademark Office is the trademark of a foreign company.
Well-known trademark, whose original English text is WELL-KNOWN MARK, comes from Article 6 bis of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights, which was revised in 1925. In March 1985, after China joined the Paris Convention, it officially provided well-known trademark protection to the member countries of the Paris Convention.
However, before China joined the Paris Convention, Chinese trademark authorities had begun to protect well-known foreign trademarks in accordance with the spirit of the Paris Convention, and in some cases, some foreign trademarks were well-known trademarks. For example, in the early 198s, the Trademark Office directly rejected other people's registered Coca-Cola trademarks in different categories on the grounds that Coca-Cola in the United States enjoyed a high reputation in trademark examination. In fact, this rejection can only be made on the premise that Coca-Cola is a well-known trademark.
The well-known trademark (formerly known as "well-known trademark by the public") appeared directly in written documents and was protected by the Trademark Office in 1983, because Freon had become the common name of refrigerants in China at that time. Considering that the trademark enjoys a high international reputation and is protected by trademarks, the relevant departments in China require that similar products in China can only be called fluorine refrigerants, not Freon.
after China joined the Paris convention, the first well-known trademark recognized according to the Paris convention was PIZZA HUT trademark of American PIZZA HUT Company. In 1985, an Australian company applied for registration of PIZZA HUT trademark in the 33rd category of commodity classification. During the announcement period, American Pizza Hut Company raised an objection. On August 17, 1987, the Trademark Office ruled that Pizza Hut's Pizza Hut and its trademark were well-known trademarks.
Therefore, Freon is considered to be the first trademark protected by China, and PIZZA HUT and Tu are the first well-known trademarks officially recognized by China. Tongrentang can only be said to be the first domestic trademark recognized as a well-known trademark. (Wang Hao)