in p>197, GiorgioArmani co-founded a company with the architect SergioGaleotti, and then in 1975, he founded the "Giorgio Armani" company and registered his own trademark. In 1974, when giorgio armani's first men's fashion show was completed, people called him "the king of jackets". In 1984, he founded the low-priced brand Amboro Armani. Armani's business has spread to more than 1 countries. In addition to GiorgioArmani, there are many sub-brands, such as Emporio, Mani, ArmaniJeans, etc. Besides clothing, there are also ties, glasses, scarves, leather goods and perfumes. EmporioArmani is a very successful brand. The Italian meaning of "Emporio" refers to the department store, that is, "Armani Department Store", which is the brand of Armani's young series.