It means that the trademark registrant authorizes others to use its registrar by signing a trademark use authorization contract.
The owner of a trademark can authorize others to use his registered trademark by signing a trademark license contract. The effective time shall be based on the effective time specified in the contract. In general, authorizing others to use a trademark is a mutually beneficial relationship between both parties. It is a beneficial win-win cooperation.
However, in order to prevent risks, it is recommended to handle the relevant legal procedures and trademark rights protection procedures, such as timely filing of trademark authorization licenses and other behaviors through trademark authorization. The trademark owner can Guarantee that without giving up trademark rights, others can legally use their trademarks, and can obtain more cooperation opportunities and benefits through trademark licensing. How to authorize others to use trademarks? The time for authorizing the use of trademarks can be set by yourself for a period of time, which expires If you need to continue cooperation later, you can renew the authorization contract. What is trademark authorization and how to carry out trademark authorization.
Secondly, for the licensee, through professional trademark licensing, the right to use a trademark can be obtained quickly and at a lower cost by virtue of the trademark's popularity and good image. The speed and low risk allow your own products to enter the market and be accepted by the market
The "Brand Authorization" service is only for brands that have been authorized by Tmall, and only have flagship stores or specialty stores on Tmall. Only suppliers are qualified to apply for this service, and only these corporate users can apply for the "Brand Authorization" mark