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Trademark registration process and time in 2023

The following is the general trademark registration process and time in 2023:

1. Trademark search and evaluation (1-2 weeks):

-In Before deciding to register a trademark, it is very important to conduct a trademark search. This can help you determine if there is a registered trademark that is similar or identical to yours. A trademark search usually takes 1 to 2 weeks.

2. Trademark application preparation (1-2 weeks):

-Prepare the documents required for trademark registration application, including trademark application form, trademark drawing, goods/services list, etc. This process usually takes 1 to 2 weeks.

3. Trademark application submission (i.e. application date):

-Submit the trademark registration application to the relevant trademark registration agency, such as the National Intellectual Property Office (CNIPA). After submission, you will be given a filing date, marking the official start of your trademark application.

4. Preliminary review of trademark (9-12 months):

-The trademark registration agency will conduct a preliminary review of your trademark application, including the compliance of the application documents. Review and compare with existing trademarks. This process usually takes 9 to 12 months.

5. Trademark announcement and opposition period (3 months):

-If your trademark application passes the preliminary examination, the trademark registration agency will publish your trademark in the official announcement . At this time, the announcement period enters, which is usually 3 months. During this period, others have the right to object to your trademark.

6. Trademark registration certificate issuance (3-6 months):

-If your trademark successfully passes the announcement period and is not opposed or rejected, the trademark registration agency will Issue a trademark registration certificate. This process usually takes 3 to 6 months.

Please note that the above time is for reference only. The actual trademark registration process and time may vary depending on the region, specific circumstances, and the number of applications. The timing of trademark registration may also vary depending on various factors, such as the workload of the Trademark Office, the preparation and quality of application documents, etc. It is recommended that you consult your local trademark registration authority or trademark agency for the most accurate and up-to-date information.

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