Guangzhou Yuexiu District Zheli Patent and Trademark Office (General Partnership) is a general partnership registered in Yuexiu District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province on September 24, 2008. Its registered address is located at Zhongshan No. 5, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou City. Room 34 on the 13th floor of No. 70 Road (abbreviation: Room L1334).
The unified social credit code/registration number of Zheli Patent and Trademark Office (General Partnership) in Yuexiu District, Guangzhou is 91440104679740063Q. The legal person of the company is Hu Yongjun. The company is currently in business.
The business scope of Guangzhou Yuexiu District Zheli Patent and Trademark Office (General Partnership) is: patent services; trademark agency and other services; copyright services; software services; social legal consulting; legal document agency; conferences and Exhibition services; corporate image planning services;. In Guangdong Province, the total registered capital of companies with similar business scope is 7,692.72 million yuan. The main capital is concentrated in enterprises with a scale of 10-50 million and 1-10 million, with a total of 2,075 companies. Within this province, the current registered capital of enterprises is considered to be good.
Guangzhou Yuexiu District Zheli Patent and Trademark Office (General Partnership) has invested in 1 company and has 0 branches.
View more information and information about Guangzhou Yuexiu District Zheli Patent and Trademark Office (General Partnership) through Baidu Enterprise Credit.