commodity classification
Shopping malls in and JD.COM are very rich in goods, covering all fields of goods. However, Suning. com's products focus more on household appliances, digital products and other bulky products, while JD.COM Mall pays more attention to market segments, such as fresh food, maternal and child, home and so on.
Operating steps:
Open the official website of or JD.COM Mall.
Enter the name of the product you want to buy in the search box.
Browse the search results and compare the product categories and prices of the two platforms.
Cost comparison
In terms of price, and JD.COM Mall have their own advantages. In, the prices of commodities such as household appliances and digital products are relatively low, while in JD.COM Mall, the prices of commodities in market segments are more favorable.
Operating steps:
Search for the same product in and JD.COM Mall respectively.
Compare the commodity prices and promotional activities of the two platforms.
Choose a more favorable platform to buy.
quality of service
In terms of services, both and JD.COM Mall attach great importance to user experience. has done a good job in after-sales service, while JD.COM Mall has done a better job in logistics and distribution.
Operating steps:
Shopping in shopping centers in and JD.COM.
Compare the logistics distribution speed and after-sales service of the two platforms.
Choose a platform that is more suitable for you according to your personal needs.