1. People who apply for trademark registration in Tajikistan can submit the compiled information to the trademark authority of Tajikistan to apply for trademark registration in Tajikistan. The applicant can also entrust a trademark professional to apply. Help, you can hand over the compiled information to it, and it (the company) will submit the documents to the Tajikistan trademark authority to apply for trademark registration.
2. The trademark administration authority of Tajikistan will officially record and classify the application within two months from the date of receipt of the application. Formal review begins two months after the application date. The applicant may be required to make corrections depending on the circumstances, and the applicant should meet the official requirements within the prescribed two-month response period, otherwise the application will be deemed to be withdrawn.
3. After passing the formal review, the review enters the substantive review stage. There may also be official corrections at this stage, and the applicant must also respond within two months.
4. After passing the substantive examination, the official will register the trademark and publish it in official documents within six months from the registration date. The registration certificate is sent one month from the date of announcement.