Trademark registration rights usually include the following aspects:
1. Exclusive rights: Trademark registration gives the registrant the exclusive right to use the trademark. This means that in the category of goods or services covered by the registered trademark, others cannot use the same or similar trademark without the registrant's permission to avoid consumer confusion.
2. Right of identification: Trademark registration gives the registrant the right to identify the trademark. Registrants can use trademarks to identify the source of their goods or services and to distinguish them from other competitors. The right to register a trademark enables consumers to identify and trust the goods or services represented by a specific trademark.
3. Infringement rights: Trademark registration gives the registrant the right to infringe the trademark. If others use a trademark that is identical or similar to a registered trademark without the registrant's permission, it may constitute trademark infringement. The registrant can take legal measures to safeguard its rights and interests, such as filing an infringement lawsuit or requesting the cessation of trademark infringement.
4. Right to transfer: Trademark registration gives the registrant the right to transfer the trademark. The registrant can transfer its trademark rights to others, and the transfer can be through sale, licensing, authorization, etc. The transfer of a trademark can be paid or free, but it needs to comply with the requirements of relevant laws and regulations.
5. Rights to protect trademarks: Trademark registration gives the registrant the right to protect trademarks. If others infringe upon trademark rights, the registrant can take legal measures to protect their rights and interests, such as filing an infringement lawsuit, requesting a cessation of infringement, claiming compensation, etc.
It should be noted that the scope and protection of trademark registration rights may vary depending on national and regional laws and regulations. In specific cases, it is recommended to consult the local trademark registration office or a professional trademark agency to understand the accurate scope of trademark registration rights and protection mechanisms.
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