A trademark registration application usually requires the preparation of the following documents:
1. Trademark application form: Fill in the trademark application form according to the requirements of the trademark registration agency in the target country or region. The form usually requires providing trademark-related information, such as trademark pattern, trademark name, product or service description, etc.
2. Trademark drawing: Prepare a drawing of the trademark and follow the format and size requirements specified by the trademark registration agency. The trademark drawing should clearly show the characteristics and design of the trademark.
3. Classification of goods or services: Classify the goods or services for which the trademark is applied for according to the international trademark classification system (Nice classification) or the classification system of the target country or region. This helps determine the scope of application of the trademark.
4. Trademark power of attorney (optional): If you entrust a trademark agency to apply on your behalf, you may need to provide a trademark power of attorney to confirm the agency's authorization relationship.
5. Other supporting documents (as needed): According to the requirements of the trademark registration agency of the target country or region, other supporting documents may be required, such as priority certificate, trademark transfer certificate, etc.
Please note that specific document requirements may vary by country or region, so when preparing a trademark registration application, it is recommended that you learn more about the regulations of the trademark registration authority in the target country or region and submit all documents in compliance with their requirements. required documents.
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