The original manufacturer's trademark is a product trademark, used to distinguish the source of the product, while the dealer's trademark should be a service trademark, used to distinguish the source of services. This is okay, the dealer provides product sales services, Therefore, the source of its "service" can be marked. But you cannot cover the original manufacturer’s trademark with your own trademark~
If this is considered infringement, then Suning Gome has already been sued by countless suppliers~
If production Enterprises use trademarks on the goods they provide to commercial enterprises, and commercial enterprises can still use their own trademarks on the goods they distribute. However, the original trademarks of the manufacturing enterprise must not be covered, torn or otherwise damaged without the consent of the manufacturing enterprise. Otherwise, you may be accused of infringement. Article 52(4) of the Trademark Law clearly stipulates: “Replacing the registered trademark without the consent of the trademark registrant and putting the goods with the replaced trademark back on the market” is a trademark infringement act (the so-called “reverse counterfeiting”). ").