Hello, I am happy to answer your question. TM means that the trademark has been accepted by the State Trademark Administration and a notice of acceptance has been issued, followed by a two-year substantive review. After passing Publish the preliminary review announcement. If no one raises opposite-sex objections within three months of the preliminary review announcement, then the trademark will be officially registered successfully. After obtaining the certificate, you can add an R next to it. The difference between "TM" and "R" next to the trademark is "R" is the abbreviation of "register" in English. Marking goods or services with this mark tells people that the graphics or words marked on it are not only trademarks, but also registered trademarks. They are protected by national laws and cannot be used by others without authorization. No individual or organization can use it without authorization. Otherwise, they can take legal measures to obtain corresponding compensation. When the trademark has not become a registered trademark, marking it with the "TM" mark will tell the public that this graphic or text is used as a product or product. The "trademark" of the service is neither a name nor an advertisement. This can prevent the graphics or text marked on it from flowing into the public domain. It cannot apply to become a registered trademark and enjoys priority and exclusive rights; at the same time, it is marked with a "TM" mark. It can also be used as proof of using the graphic or text as a trademark. I wish you a pleasant experience. If it helps you, I hope you can adopt it!