Merchants can't sell fake bags. Many businesses will have such behaviors and phenomena. In fact, this practice is very bad, and it will also bring bad influence to people. Everyone can look at this kind of thing correctly and try not to sell fake bags. After all, fake bags are also very bad, which also brings a lot of trouble and trouble to people. If there are people selling fake bags, it is also a certain deception to consumers. After all, people spend money to buy a satisfactory bag, and if businesses have such behavior towards consumers, they also need to bear certain responsibilities.
The reputation of the merchant is more important. For this online exposure, many netizens also feel that the behavior of this business is very bad and it also deceives the legitimate rights and interests of consumers. Therefore, we also need to pay the corresponding price and punishment in order to give people a better explanation. Otherwise, it will also cause many people's troubles and bring a very bad reputation to the merchants. I hope every business can treat this kind of thing correctly and don't make such immoral behavior. After all, selling fake bags is very shameful.
It is shameful to sell fake bags. I hope this phenomenon can be eliminated and avoided, and the relevant government should also investigate this incident. If people are caught selling fake bags, they need to be punished to some extent. Otherwise, there is no way to stop this phenomenon and behavior, which always happens to people. This kind of selling fake bags should also be seriously put an end to and avoided. After all, selling fake bags is a shameful phenomenon and behavior, and it is not conducive to better development.