Original: dry call father, Kun call mother; Treating us contemptuously is a complicated matter. Therefore, the plug of heaven and earth, my body also; The beauty of heaven and earth is my nature. People, my compatriots; I, too.
Great monarch, my parents are sons; The minister, the family of children and grandchildren, is also the same. Respect for high years, so long; Kindness is weak, so it is young; Sage, its virtue; Sage, its show also. It's my brother's fault that the world is tired, disabled, lonely and widowed. He didn't tell me.
When there is security, the wings of the child are also; Happy and carefree, pure filial piety. Those who violate morality, harm benevolence, thieves and help evil are not talented but filial.
Interpretation of vernacular Chinese: Divination in the Book of Changes represents the mystery of the creation of heaven, and is called the father of all things; Kungua represents the material principle and structural principle of the creation of all things, and is called the mother of all things. I am so humble, but I am between heaven and earth.
From this point of view, what fills the space between heaven and earth (Kundi Qi) is my various bodies; It is my nature that causes the commander-in-chief to change everything in the world. The people are brothers and sisters of my compatriots, and everything is the same as me.
The son of heaven is the eldest son of my parents; The minister is the housekeeper of the eldest son. "Respecting the elderly" means respecting the elderly among compatriots; "Caring for the helpless weak" means protecting the old and weak among our compatriots.
The so-called saints refer to those compatriots who are in harmony with the virtues of heaven and earth (cases: Jiande and Shunde); The sage is the best among them. No matter the old dragon or the disabled, the lonely man or the widower and widow, they are all my brothers who have nowhere to tell.
Timely care is the child's due assistance to Gan Kun's parents. Being so willing to save and not worrying about yourself is the purest filial piety to Gankun's parents. If it goes against the will of Gan Kun's parents, it is called "disobedience", and Rende is hurt so badly, it is called "thief". The person who encourages evil is the incompetent son of Gankun's parents, and the person who can show his nature in various forms is the filial son of Xiaosi Gankun's parents.
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Appreciation of works:
"Make a heart for heaven and earth, make a life for the people, link the past with the future, and be peaceful for all generations" (four sentences by Zhang Zi). Mingxi written by Zhang Zai, as one of the classic Confucian documents, has been praised in the traditional society. The fundamental reason is that this inscription, although only over 250 words, has built a spiritual home for people to settle down.
But also provides a broad realm for the construction of social ideal blueprint. Today, the value ideal described in this inscription and the pursuit of life displayed still have positive and rich significance.
Zhang Zai believes that the prevalence of Buddhism and Taoism and the decline of Confucianism are the ideological roots that led to multiple conflicts in the social value system at that time. Zhang Zai criticized Buddhism and Taoism and said, "Those who make a slip of the tongue will go against it, while those who have things will remain unchanged. Although there is a gap between the two, even if it is lost. "
Buddhism denies the existence of the real world and pursues self-nirvana and silence, while Taoism denies the movement of the real world and pursues individual long-term vision. Although they have different purposes, they both deny the integrity and existence of social existence, lose their attention to social reality and give up their responsibility for social responsibility, so they are not values that conform to the truth of the world and social needs.
To solve social problems, we must carry forward the Confucian values of actively joining the WTO and caring for reality. Therefore, Zhang Zai, with his rare courage throughout the ages, established a Taoist view, calculated gains and losses with Buddhism, and expounded new life for Confucianism. He read widely, learned extensively and memorized, and spent his whole life looking for hidden information, finally based on the social reality at that time.
Established a philosophical system with Confucianism as the value standard and "harmony between man and nature" as the theoretical feature. Mingxi is the concentrated expression of Zhang Zai's philosophical thoughts and values.
Zhang Zai takes social reality as his ultimate concern. What he wants to inherit is the Confucian values represented by the Six Classics of Confucius and Mencius, and what he wants to establish is the secularism that cares about the society and people's livelihood with a broad mind. Confucius said "benevolence" and Mencius said "goodness", while Zhang Zai believed that "benevolence" was the value nature of human beings and advocated the value orientation based on "benevolence".
This is Zhang Zai's comprehensive development of Confucius' theory of benevolence and Mencius' theory of good nature. In Zhang Zai's view, "benevolence" refers not only to filial piety and love for those who have relations with him, but also to infinite and universal care for all beings including self, family, society and nature. It is the basic orientation of Zhang Zai's values to push this sincere feeling from nature to all people in society and even everything in the universe.