The transfer of trademark use rights for goods is included in other business income.
The transfer of the right to use a trademark is a "transfer of the right to use assets" and complies with the definition of income. Other business income refers to all inflows of economic benefits generated from daily activities such as selling goods, providing labor services, and transferring asset use rights, other than the company's main business income. ?
Article 2 of "Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 14 - Revenue" refers to the economic benefits formed in the daily activities of the enterprise that will lead to an increase in the owner's equity and have nothing to do with the capital invested by the owner. total inflow. The income covered by this standard includes income from the sale of goods, income from the provision of labor services and income from the transfer of the right to use assets. Transferring the right to use a trademark is a "transfer of the right to use assets" and complies with the definition of income. Other business income refers to all inflows of economic benefits generated from daily activities such as selling goods, providing labor services, and transferring asset use rights, other than the company's main business income.
Other business income accounting
1. The principles for realizing other business income are the same as those for main business income.
2. When an enterprise sells raw materials, it debits "bank deposits", "accounts receivable" and other accounts based on the selling price and receivable value-added tax, and based on the realized operating income; at the end of each month, it is based on sales For the actual cost of raw materials, the "Other Business Costs" account is debited and the "Raw Materials" account is credited. Enterprises that use planned cost accounting for raw materials should also allocate material cost differences.
When the rent for rental packaging is received, "Cash", "Bank Deposit" and other accounts are debited, and this account is credited. According to the value-added tax indicated on the special invoice, "Tax Payable - —VAT payable (output tax)" account; for the difference between the confiscated deposit for overdue packaging and deducting the VAT payable, the "Other payables" account will be debited and this account will be credited.
The enterprise sells goods on an agency basis by charging handling fees. The handling fee income obtained is debited to the account "Accounts Payable - ×× Entrusted Sales Agency Unit" and credited to this account.
3. This account should set up detailed accounts according to other business types, such as "material sales", "purchasing agency", "packaging rental", etc., and perform detailed accounting.