(1) counterfeiting the registered trademark of others.
(2) using the unique name, packaging and decoration of a well-known commodity without authorization, or using the name, packaging and decoration similar to that of a well-known commodity, causing confusion with other people's well-known commodities, so that the buyer mistakenly thinks it is the well-known commodity.
(3) using someone else's enterprise name without authorization, which leads people to mistake it for someone else's goods.
(4) forging or fraudulently using quality marks, such as certification marks and famous brand marks, forging the place of origin and making misleading false representations about the quality of goods.
it's not illegal to make a racquet, and it's not illegal to receive goods normally and evaluate them normally. Those who violate the law can be dealt with through consultation first. If the negotiation fails, they can complain to the relevant departments. If the complaint fails, they should collect relevant evidence materials for litigation or report to the police.