Trademark right is the abbreviation of exclusive right to use a trademark, which refers to the exclusive right granted by the trademark authority to the trademark owner to protect his registered trademark by national laws. Trademark registrants have the right to control their registered trademarks and prohibit others from infringing upon them according to law, including the exclusive right to use their registered trademarks, the right to benefit, the right to dispose of them, the right to renew them and the right to prohibit others from infringing upon them. A trademark is a commercial symbol used to distinguish goods and services from different sources, which consists of words, graphics, letters, numbers, three-dimensional symbols, color combinations, sounds or the combination of the above elements. Source: Trademark Law of the People's Republic of China Legal Objectivity:
Article 57 of the Trademark Law of the People's Republic of China commits any of the following acts, which are all violations of the exclusive right to use a registered trademark: (1) Using a trademark identical to its registered trademark on the same commodity without the permission of the trademark registrant; (2) Without the permission of the trademark registrant, using a trademark similar to its registered trademark on the same commodity, or using a trademark identical to or similar to its registered trademark on similar commodities is likely to lead to confusion; (3) selling goods that infringe upon the exclusive right to use a registered trademark; (4) Forging or unauthorized manufacturing of registered trademark marks of others or selling forged or unauthorized registered trademark marks; (five) without the consent of the trademark registrant, the registered trademark is changed and the goods with the changed trademark are put on the market again; (6) Deliberately providing convenience for the infringement of the exclusive right to use a trademark of others and helping others to commit the infringement of the exclusive right to use a trademark; (seven) causing other damage to the exclusive right to use a registered trademark of others.