1, use a plastic scraper to remove oil stains from clothes as much as possible. Scrape along the surface of the clothes with a knife edge, but don't use too much force to avoid damaging the fibers.
2. Soak the affected parts with isopropanol. Wipe the stain with a white towel and try to remove vaseline.
3. Add 1 teaspoon of detergent to 8 ounces of water. Pour the mixture into the spray bottle and spray it on the stained place. Then wipe it with a paper towel to remove the vaseline left on the clothes.
Add hydrogen peroxide into another spray bottle, and then spray it on clothes to soak, so that some parts are completely dried.
5. According to the instructions, use the special prepreg for laundry to treat the stain, and keep it for about 15 minutes.
6. Wash clothes carefully with washing liquid according to the instructions. Take the clothes out of the washing machine and check for stains. If there is vaseline, continue to repeat steps 3 to 5.
Unless vaseline is completely removed, don't put it in the dryer to dry clothes, because heat will further solidify the stains and it is difficult to remove them.