* * * The acquisition of the same trademark is based on the cooperation of multiple subjects. * * * Share and exercise the exclusive right to use the trademark with the trademark owner, that is, the right to possess, use, profit from and dispose of the trademark. The theoretical basis of trademark right is the civil property right system. As a civil right, trademark right should be enjoyed by more than two obligees. * * * and trademark registration owner * * * and trademark rights mean that many trademark owners must take * * * to license the use of trademarks, complain about infringement and transfer the exclusive right to use trademarks when exercising their rights to trademarks. Trademark, etc. , requires the unanimous consent of all trademark owners. * * * If one of the trademark owners acts alone and licenses or transfers the trademark behind another person's back, it will harm the interests of all others, which is not allowed by law. China's trademark law has no restrictions on the scope of goods or services used by ordinary trademarks and the additional conditions of the use area. Compared with independent registered proprietary trademarks, ordinary trademarks have much lower freedom of return. Therefore, enterprises should take trademark registration as a compulsory choice.
Article 16 of the Regulations for the Implementation of the Trademark Law stipulates that if * * * applies for the registration of the same trademark, it shall designate a representative in the application. If there is no designated representative, the first person in the application sequence should be the representative. If you encounter any problems in the use of trademarks, please consult Bajie Intellectual Property Trademark Network. It is our pleasure to serve you!