How to apply for (company) trademark registration? First, search the major category of the trademark you want to register among the 45 major categories of trademarks (see trademark classification for details), and then select the 10 product names you want to register among the sub-categories of the major category. 1. Trademark laws based on the qualifications of applicants. Applicants for trademark registration: 1. Enterprises, institutions, social groups, individual industrial and commercial individuals, individual partnerships; 2. Natural persons; Things to note when applying for trademark registration by natural persons 3. Foreign countries (including those outside the mainland) ) Both natural persons and legal persons can apply for registered trademarks 2. Documents required for application 1. One copy of business license (enterprise); 2. One copy of personal ID card (individual); 3. Five copies of the drawings to be registered (Size is 5-10 cm); (1) If the trademark is in color, one copy of the color drawing and one black and white ink draft are required; (2) If the trademark is in black and white, five copies of the black and white ink draft are required; 4. Official seal ( Stamp the official seal or signature on the application/power of attorney) 3. Registration time: 1. A notice of acceptance from the National Trademark Office will be issued in about 1 month; a formal trademark certificate will be issued in about 18 months; 2. The trademark can be used after filing the application ( Do not use the registration mark when using it) 4. Trademark registration validity period The Trademark Law stipulates that a registered trademark is valid for ten years, calculated from the date of approval of registration. You can apply for registration renewal before the validity period expires. Each renewal registration is valid for ten years. The above is all about how to apply for (company) trademark registration. I hope it can help everyone.