TM is the abbreviation of English trademark. In my country, it means that the trademark has been applied to the Trademark Office, and the Trademark Office has also issued an acceptance notice and entered the opposition period, so that it can be avoided Repeated applications by others also indicate that existing trademark holders have priority to use.
R is the initial letter of register in English and is circled, indicating that the trademark has been registered with the Trademark Office and has been reviewed and approved to become a registered trademark. A registered trademark is exclusive, exclusive, and unique. It is owned exclusively by the trademark registrant and is protected by law. No enterprise or individual may use it without the permission or authorization of the trademark holder, otherwise, it will bear infringement liability.
C is the copyright mark, also known as the copyright mark. A mark indicating that a work is protected by copyright. The internationally accepted copyright mark stipulated in the Universal Copyright Convention is to use the first letter of Copyright in English followed by a circle to indicate that the work is protected by copyright. Records, audiovisual products, etc. use symbols to indicate that the works are protected by copyright. The copyright mark should be prominently displayed on the work. However, in most countries, copyright protection for works does not depend on whether there is a copyright mark, and our country does not mandate that works with a copyright mark be protected.