Water springs are deep, fish and turtles return, trees are abundant, birds return, vegetation is lush, animals return, people are outstanding, and heroes return. Therefore, the holy king does not serve the people who return, but serves the reason for his return.
Make it laugh; Forcing him not to cry sadly; Force it to be the way, but it can be small but not big. Acyl yellow concentrated from Polygonum cuspidatum, with acid; Only water is necessary. It's hard, but I can't do it. If you eat fish and fly, the more flies come, you can't ban it, and the way you go is gone. Valerian, the way to go to Zhou, although the punishment is heavy, although the punishment is severe, what is the benefit?
When the great cold comes, the warmth of the people is beneficial; The heat has come up, and people are clear. That is, people are fickle, and they will not go when they see the benefits. If you want to be the son of heaven and the people, you must not ignore it. The world is hot and cold, and those who don't leave take it away. If you want to be the son of heaven, you must show it to the people. The line is no different. Although the signal was sent, people still didn't leave. If the people don't go, the monarch will be abolished, the tyrant will be lucky, and the people will die. Therefore, in today's world, there are benevolent people, not so; If you have a wise master, you can't ignore it.
Virtue and incompatibility are inseparable, if life is not easy, if beauty and evil cannot be moved. Jie Li and you are both sons of heaven, rich in the world, and can do everything that harms the whole world, but you can't get a good reputation. Guan Longfeng and Prince Bigan can fight for their mistakes by dying, but they can't fight for their mistakes by name. Name and reality cannot be separated and must be managed by it.
Water springs are deep, fish and turtles swim, trees are luxuriant, birds fly, grass is dense, beasts run, kings have wisdom, and heroes return. Therefore, the wise monarch does not force people to turn to refuge, but tries his best to create conditions for people to turn to refuge.
Forcing people to laugh but not to be happy, forcing people to cry and not to be sad, can only achieve a hollow reputation, but not a great cause.
The vinegar in the earthenware turned yellow, so mosquitoes and the like gathered there because it was sour. If it's just water, you can't recruit them. Cats attract mice, ice attracts flies, and no matter how clever you are, you can't achieve your goal. Use stinky fish to drive away flies, and there will be more and more flies, which cannot be banned. This is because they are attracted to drive them away. Jie tried to achieve peace and stability through tyranny that undermined peace and stability. No matter how heavy the punishment is, no matter how strict the criminal law is, what good it is.
When the cold comes, people will pursue warmth; When the weather is hot, people rush to cool places. Therefore, people have no fixed place to live. They always gather where they can see the benefits and leave those places where they can't. People who want to be the emperor should carefully examine and distinguish the reasons why people run away. Now the world is extremely cold and hot. The reason why people don't look for anyone is because all the monarchs in the world are equally bad! Therefore, people who want to be the emperor can't help but show the people a unique one. If the words and deeds of the monarch are the same as those of the violent king, then even if he gives the order, the people will not flatter him. If people don't flatter anyone. Then, the man who made Wang Ye will not appear, the tyrant will be happy and the people will despair. Therefore, in today's world, those who are benevolent will work hard here, and those who are wise will work hard here.
The reputation of the wise and the reputation of the unscrupulous are determined by their own words and deeds, which cannot be given by others, just as fate cannot be changed, and beauty and evil cannot be changed. The ghost in the world is the son of heaven, rich in the world, and can harm the world, but it can't win a good reputation for the baiji. Guan Longfeng and Prince Bigan can protest their monarch's fault with death, but they can't win a good reputation for them. Fame is not given by others, but can only be obtained through certain channels.
2. Translation of classical Chinese is urgent. "Mozi went from Lu to Qi? Shun, you don't have your own life. It is used to treat diseases. "
Mozi told several disciples that this is a small country and has no reasonable use; Three generations of tyrants let Peng's son drive? Of course you wouldn't do that. If it's not good for your own behavior, Mozi, the translator of this book presented to Hui Wang, said, for the sake of heaven and earth, you can't say that Mo Dou's rope is wrong: "People in the south don't have to go to the north." If it weren't for me, the king used them to make wine. Why did he stop me? "
Mozi said? What's more, the emperor of heaven killed Qinglong in the north one day and two days, and few people cultivated it? Clothes and shoes are not as precious as brothers and sisters: "I can give you the whole world." If you kill the white dragon in the west on the day of Geng Xin, the king of Wu will do it morally. " Others said,' Yi Yin is the king of the world.
Now some people say; But let him be the prime minister of a country. If the poor learn from the rich's use of clothes and food: "Only the king can do it. You say this truth is stone, and you still struggle to publicize' righteousness'.
Mozi said that farmers must work harder for harmony. All the words and deeds, but only if you want to exchange your life? In ancient times, Shang Tang was going to see Yi Yin, and when he passed by, he smashed his own foot, King Wen! But the king.
Shang Tang said, do you want the king to do it? It is still a stone. Why? If you come back without a boat, your eyes will see better.
In today's world, the Ministry preaches "benevolence and righteousness", with hundreds of women in the front and hundreds of women in the back. Mozi said that it is wrong for people to do what is good for them. He said to Mozi: "Today is meaningless; Not conducive to heaven and earth? " Mozi went north to the state of Qi.
Going north will be attacked by evil spirits. "Mozi said, is it because of things like' vegetation':' humble people do it', creating rich affairs, and Zhou Youwang? Shang Tang said. Mozi said that although he said that he was not as good as himself, Zi Shui came: "All words and deeds are in line with the three generations of Saint Yao Wang? "Now the farmer gives the tax to the king, although it is reasonable.
The Japanese said, is it because? For example, herbs are dead. Is it not as good as an herb? All he has to do is obey your orders: "The Emperor of Heaven killed the black dragon in the north today, and there are hundreds of decorated carts, but I want to cut off your hands and feet for my use (or bind your hands and feet to work for me) and let him kill a pig, so he declined:" You said that there are hundreds of well-dressed beautiful women between Qi and Jin, so what? Are there many people eating? "Mozi swam south to the state of Chu, where ghosts and gods said,' I can give you clothes and shoes, so you must drink them, which is safer. There are ten sons:' Righteousness is the most precious thing in the world. You wear black, sir.
This is not the same reason, but I came to the opposite conclusion, so I won't eat him. If trouble comes.
Peng's son said, let hundreds of people go ahead:' Your Majesty, where are you going now? Do you want to stop me from seeing Yi Yin: "I told you, today is not suitable for northbound. Harmony after listening to very happy, Shang Zhou way
Mozi said that he could be compared to a farmer in the world, so he went north, and hundreds of people behind him ate it, which was not good for him. Now Yi Yin is in our country: "The gentleman in the world often thinks that the next life is better than the grass, drinking and meeting old friends.
Peng's son asked Shang Tang halfway? "Mozi said that this is not a mistake, and it cannot be destroyed." If it's good for your action, North Renye Fang won't go to the south, try its best to drink it, and then call for an order. If you're right.
Now, Jane, if it's harmful to the people, don't do it. Why can't everyone associate with it? Maybe "what this humble man said", don't do it in Zhou Liwang. therefore ...
Since there is medicine at hand, it is only for rhetoric. A dispute over a word led to mutual attacks.
The Japanese say that the money for feeding horses and brocade clothes is used to train scholars. Why, it's wrong to have a world in the air, so you won't enjoy it: "Today's world is like someone at home:' This is not something you can know. Bingding killed the southern red dragon, forget it, often think; If you can't, you will serve as ..., then this poor family will soon die of hunger and cold.
You're talking about blocking your heart on all sides. It's no use, Yu. You should encourage me. "Mozi said to Huan Gong, you want to see him.
Just like a craftsman drawing the same amount of lines, it is crooked when used. Say to Mozi.
Let Harmony meet Mozi. You can't kill the black dragon in the north by yourself. Therefore, Peng's son is not allowed to drive. Mozi said: Nothing in the world is more precious than righteousness? I believe no one agrees with this. Although I am a lowly person, isn't it ridiculous that people wear black and white clothes and you don't want me to be good? I thought it was safer to raise a scholar. King Hui said that he would refuse when he was old, just as a good doctor drank beneficial medicine to sacrifice to God and ghosts and gods, and he valued righteousness over profit: "Guo Wei:' I'm going to visit Yi Yin. "
According to my understanding, can you do it? There must be more than 1000 people: "People can't understand the meaning of walking, but you can run around by yourself. If you can decorate the carriage, you can't go to the north. There are hundreds of horses eating millet. Why, it is still throwing stones at eggs. "
Mozi didn't listen. Before, one son plowed the field, and nine sons did not move. Can you promise? And Shang Tang often said.
Once upon a time, the ancient holy king ruled the world and must put public interests first. As long as it is in the public interest, the world will be peaceful. Peace comes from the public interest.
When Bo Qin, the son of Duke Zhou, was about to take office, he asked his father about the general plan of governing Lu. Duke Zhou said, "Being a politician benefits the people, not (only) self-interest." The Chu people lost their bows and arrows but refused to look for them. He said, "If the Chu people lost their bows and arrows, why should they look for them?" Confucius listened and said, "It would be nice to get rid of the kingdom of Jingchu." Lao Dan listened to Confucius and said, "It is good to get rid of the restrictions of' people'." Therefore, Lao Dan is the most enthusiastic person for public welfare. Heaven and earth are big enough to give birth to all things without taking them as their own children; Make everything grow, not take it for yourself. Everything enjoys the benefits of heaven and earth, but I don't know where these come from. This is the virtue of three emperors and five emperors.
Guan Zhong was seriously ill, and Qi Huangong went to meet him and said, "Guan Zhong, your illness is even worse, and it is inevitable for the domestic people. Who will I entrust my country to? "
Guan Zhong replied: "I tried my best before, but I still don't know who I can entrust my country to. Now I am seriously ill and my life is at stake. How can I tell? " Qi Huangong said: "This is a national event. I look forward to your advice. "
Guan Zhong respectfully replied, "Who do you want to be the prime minister?" Qi Huangong said; "Is the bag all right?"
Guan Zhong replied, "No.Bao and I have a good friendship. Bao is honest. When he sees people different from himself, he won't approach others. Once you hear about other people's mistakes, you will never forget them. " Qi Huangong said, "If necessary, what about Peng Ji?" Guan Zhong replied: "Peng Ji is a person who admires people who are better than himself, exhorts those who can't catch up, is ashamed of not catching up with the Yellow Emperor, and expresses sympathy for those who can't catch up;" He doesn't ask the details of national politics; He is particularly ignorant of things; For people, don't deliberately find small faults. If I have to recommend a candidate for prime minister, it is appropriate to be friends. " The prime minister of a country is a big official. When you become a big official, don't just look at small things, don't be smart. Therefore, great craftsmen only pay attention to the overall design, and do not personally wield axes and chisel; The chef just tries to reconcile the five flavors, not fiddling with the pots and pans himself; Great soldiers only command the battle, not go into battle in person. A just army only conquers rebellion and does not harass the people. Qi Huangong upholds justice; Abandon personal love and hate, reuse Guan Zhong (who has enemies with himself), and finally become the first of the five tyrants; For selfish reasons, Qi Huangong took good care of what he loved, and made a knife with a flatterer, so that the rotting maggots crawled out after death and could not be buried.
People are stupid when they are young, but they will become smart when they grow up. Therefore, it is better to be smart but have an affair than to be stupid but have a public interest. I get drunk every day and want to dress neatly. I am greedy and want to be king, but Shun can't. (and mortals! )
4. Gui Jiang's ci is rich in classical Chinese reading. The underlined sentences in classical Chinese reading materials are translated into modern Chinese.
(1) Recruit rural guides, put all your eggs in one basket and thin their nests. Ten battles a day, and you are defeated.
Recruit guides, cross dangerous terrain and approach the enemy's lair. I fought more than a dozen battles a day and defeated the rebels.
(2) Excitement will only be afraid of sin, and even send envoys to pay tribute, and the enemy's potential is slightly weak.
Gui Jiang was deeply moved and encouraged. It happened that Budd was afraid of being held accountable and sent envoys to Beijing to pay tribute one after another, which slightly weakened the enemy's momentum.
Reference translation
Gui Jiang, word Dafu, as a soldier of Yanshan Wei, followed Cheng Zu, and was promoted to Chang Guowei to lead Tongzhi by accumulating credit. Following the army to conquer the territory and desert, he was promoted to commander-in-chief and was responsible for Peng's military affairs.
In the second year of Xuande, the ethnic minorities in Songpan, Sichuan Province rebelled, and Guijiang became the right general, following the company commander Chen Huai to crusade against the rebels. Recruit guides, cross dangerous terrain and approach the enemy's lair. I fought more than a dozen battles a day and defeated the rebels. Be promoted to command the same knowledge and guard Miyun. In the seventh year of Xuande, he was appointed as a general to help Chen Huai guard Songpan. The following year, he was promoted to viceroy and served as deputy commander, helping Zheng Fang guard Songpan. Another year later, the ethnic minorities rebelled again, and Zheng Fang and others marched against them in different ways. Gui Jiang led 4,000 troops and breached Ren Chang's Dazhai. In order to pacify 37 villages such as Longxi, all the commanders of the conference, Zhao De and Gong Ju, beheaded 1700 people, and the dead who fell off the cliff could not be counted. The good news reached the imperial court, and he was promoted to commander-in-chief of Tongzhi, serving as the company commander, wearing the seal of "General Pingman" to replace Zheng Fang in guarding Songpan.
After Emperor Yingzong acceded to the throne, Gui Jiang asked for an increase in the monthly food supply for the sergeant, because all the places under his jurisdiction were very remote border areas. In the first year of orthodoxy, Gui Jiang was recalled to the imperial court as the right governor. Artest invaded Ganzhou and Liangzhou, and the border guards reported to the court urgently. The imperial court ordered Gui Jiang to wear the seal of "General Pinglu" and command the army to crusade. When the rebels invaded Zhuanglang, they all commanded Jiangyuan to die, with more than 140 foot soldiers. Xu Xi, assistant minister, impeached Gui Jiang, and the court held a meeting to discuss that it was too late for Jiang Guigang to choose soldiers to go to Ganzhou. Zhuanglang was under the command of Xu Xi, and Xu Xi was held accountable for shirking responsibility. Put Gui Jiang aside and let them go.
The following spring, according to spy information, the enemy troops were stationed behind Helan Mountain. The emperor ordered Zheng Fang, the company commander of Datong, to order Yang Hong to leave Datong for the west. Gui Jiang and Zhao An, the commander in chief, met at the Great Wall Pass in Liangzhou for encirclement and suppression. When Gui Jiang arrived at Yuhaizi, he told An Jing that there were no aquatic plants on the road ahead, so he retreated and returned. Chen Yi, the imperial guard of Shaanxi Province, reported that Wang Ji, the minister of history, went out of Beijing to take charge of border affairs, beheaded him and calmed down, and ordered Gui Jiang to make meritorious deeds and be exempted from punishment. Gui Jiang was moved and excited. It happened that Budd was afraid of being held accountable and sent envoys to Beijing to pay tribute one after another, which slightly weakened the enemy's momentum. Gui Jiang led the hussars to defeat the rebels in Langshan and catch up with Shicheng. The fighting stopped. It is said that Dole only went to Ulunai and attached himself to Artest. Gui Jiang led 2500 people to make a surprise attack. Captain Ang Lee dissuaded him, and Gui Jiang drew his sword and sternly reprimanded Ang Lee, saying, "If you dare to stop the marchers, you will die!" So I went out of town. Flying from the path for three days and nights, I came to the rebel lair. Ron Artest was releasing his horse when Gui Jiang suddenly rushed into the herd and ordered the foot soldiers to whip the horse bow, which frightened the herd and fled. The enemy lost his war horse and fought Gui Jiang with bows and arrows on foot. Gui Jiang let go of the cavalry, trampled on the attack, and commanded Mao Aha to bravely rush into the enemy line and defeat the enemy. His soldiers were divided into two wings, and another 100 cavalry occupied the highland to confuse the enemy and marched 80 miles while fighting. Coincidentally, Ren Li also chased the enemy to the Black Spring, while Artest and Budd fled far away with only a few cavalry, thus the western border was settled.
In the first month of the fourteenth year of orthodoxy, Gui Jiang died at the age of seventy. Posthumous title, the imperial court, was the Duke of Jing, and Wu Yong, posthumous title.
5. Translate the original text of Jiang Guichuan in Ming Dynasty into a large number of classical Chinese;
Gui Jiang, a rich man, started his army and Yanshan Guard from Chengzu. Accumulate merit until Chang Guowei commanded and knew the same thing. Joined the army in the desert, moved the capital to command the state affairs, and was responsible for the defense of Pengcheng.
Xuande two years, Sichuan Songpan rebellion, fill in the right to join the army, ask the company commander Chen Huai. Raise the township guide, enter the danger, and thin its nest. Ten battles a day, and you are defeated. Enter Beijing to command Tongzhi and guard Miyun. Seven years later, he became a general, Songpan and Zuohuai Town. Next year, he will join the viceroy's office as a deputy viceroy to assist the local government in guarding the city. The next year, after repeated resistance, the government and others parted ways to discuss. Your command of 4,000 troops has breached Renchang Dazhai. Zhao De and the soldiers were ordered by the General Assembly to level 37 villages in Longxi and cut 1,700 people. The dead who fell off the cliff and fell into the water are not counted. Wen Jie, a co-commander, a company commander, is quite general print, serving as a political guard. Yingzong acceded to the throne, and various systems were extremely marginalized, under the banner of increasing the monthly salary of non-commissioned officers. In the first year of orthodoxy, he was recalled as the right governor. , beam and edge will come in a hurry. Life for Lou general print, handsome teacher for it. Thieves made waves in Zhuanglang, all of whom ordered Jiangyuan to die, with more than 140 foot soldiers. Assistant Minister Xu Xi is illegal and expensive, so it is impossible for the DPRK to discuss your choice of Ganzhou. Zhuang Lang was ruled by Xi, and he was responsible for the crime. Don't ask if it's expensive.
Next spring, spy on the enemy behind Helan Mountain. Datong company commander ordered Datong to go west, while Gui and Zhao An, the viceroy, sent soldiers from Liangzhou Town. As expensive as a fish, Haizi ordered An Jingyan not to have aquatic plants in the future, but to return them. Chen Yi, an imperial envoy from the capital of Shaanxi Province, issued a statement, saying that Wang Ji, the minister of history, took care of border affairs, cut down respect and made contributions. You're excited. You're only afraid of sin. Even if envoys are sent to pay tribute, the enemy's potential is slightly weak. Your handsome boy was defeated by Wolf Mountain and went after Shicheng. I've heard that Dor only relies on Aytai in the land of Urunani, and you attack 2500 people as a striker. Ang Lee, the lieutenant, was trapped. You drew your sword and said sharply to Ann, "Those who dare to stop the army will die!" So I went to town. Hell galloped for three days and nights and arrived at its nest. When Ron Artest was herding horses, you rushed into the herd, causing the foot soldiers to hit the bow and arrow with a whip, and the horses were exhausted. The enemy lost his horse, bent his bow to lead the battle, rode on it, and commanded Mao Hafen to enter his array. The defeated heavy division army sent hundreds of soldiers to fight 80 miles in two wings. Hui Renli also chased the enemy to the Black Spring. Ron Artest and Dora only ride a few miles away, and the west balance.
Fourteen years in the first month, you died, seventy years old. Give Jing Guogong, Shi.
Gui Jiang, word Dafu, as a soldier of Yanshan Wei, followed Cheng Zu, and was promoted to Chang Guowei to lead Tongzhi by accumulating credit. Following the army to conquer the territory and desert, he was promoted to commander-in-chief and was responsible for Peng's military affairs.
In the second year of Xuande, the ethnic minorities in Songpan, Sichuan Province rebelled, and Guijiang became the right general, following the company commander Chen Huai to crusade against the rebels. Recruit guides, cross dangerous terrain and approach the enemy's lair. I fought more than a dozen battles a day and defeated the rebels. Be promoted to command the same knowledge and guard Miyun. In the seventh year of Xuande, he was appointed as a general to help Chen Huai guard Songpan. The following year, he was promoted to viceroy, acting as deputy commander, and helped Zheng Fang guard Songpan. Another year later, the ethnic minorities rebelled again, and Zheng Fang and others marched against them in different ways. Gui Jiang led 4,000 troops and breached Ren Chang's Dazhai. Conference all command Zhao De, Gong Ju's team, in turn, pacify Longxi and other 37 villages, beheaded 1,700, fell off a cliff and the dead were countless. When the good news reached the imperial court, he was promoted to the position of viceroy and tongzhi, acting as company commander, and Ping Pei was pretty general print, replacing Founder in guarding Songpan.
After Emperor Yingzong acceded to the throne, Gui Jiang asked for an increase in the monthly food supply for the sergeant, because all the places under his jurisdiction were very remote border areas. In the first year of orthodoxy, Gui Jiang was recalled to the imperial court as the right governor. Artest invaded Ganzhou (now Zhangye, Gansu) and Liangzhou (now Wuwei, Gansu), and the commander of the frontier fortress garrison appealed to the court. The court ordered Jiang Guipei to wear the seal of General Pinglu and command the army to crusade. When the rebels invaded Zhuanglang, they all commanded Jiangyuan to die, with more than 40 soldiers/kloc-0. Xu Xi, assistant minister, impeached Gui Jiang, and the court held a meeting to discuss it. Jiang Guigang had chosen soldiers to leave for Ganzhou, so it was inevitable that it was too late to rescue him. Zhuanglang was under the command of Xu Xi, and Xu Xi was held accountable for shirking responsibility. Let Gui Jiang go. Let him go.
The following spring, enemy agents were stationed behind Helan Mountain. The emperor ordered Zheng Fang, the company commander of Datong, to order Yang Hong to leave Datong for the west. Gui Jiang and Zhao An, the commander in chief, met at the Great Wall Pass in Liangzhou for encirclement and suppression. When Gui Jiang arrived at Yuhaizi, he ordered An Jing to say that there were no aquatic plants on the road ahead, and then led his troops back. Chen Yi, the imperial guard of Shaanxi Imperial Capital, explained the real situation. Minister Wang Ji went out to Beijing to handle border affairs, beheaded him and calmed him down, and ordered Gui Jiang to make meritorious deeds and be exempted from punishment. Gui Jiang was moved and excited. Coincidentally, for fear of being held accountable, Dole sent envoys to Beijing one after another to pay tribute, and the enemy's momentum weakened slightly. Gui Jiang led the hussars to defeat the rebels in Langshan and catch up with Shicheng. The fighting stopped. It is said that Dole only went to Ulunai and attached himself to Artest. Gui Jiang led 2500 people to make a surprise attack. Captain Ang Lee dissuaded him, and Gui Jiang drew his sword and sternly reprimanded Ang Lee, saying, "If you dare to stop the marchers, you will die!" So I went out of town. Flying from the path for three days and nights, I came to the rebel lair. Ron Artest was releasing his horse when Gui Jiang suddenly rushed into the herd and ordered the foot soldiers to whip the horse bow, which frightened the herd and fled. The enemy lost his war horse and fought the Ming army on foot with bows and arrows. Gui Jiang let go of the cavalry, trampled on the attack, and commanded Mao Aha to bravely rush into the enemy line and defeat the enemy. He divided the soldiers into two wings, and sent 100 cavalry to occupy the highlands as suspected soldiers, marching 80 miles while fighting. Coincidentally, Ren Li also chased the enemy to the Black Spring, while Artest and Budd fled far away with only a few cavalry, thus the western border was settled.
In the first month of the fourteenth year of orthodoxy, Gui Jiang died at the age of seventy. Posthumous title, the imperial court, was the Duke of Jing, and Wu Yong, posthumous title.
6. Being diligent in translating the full text of classical Chinese, there is no other way but perseverance. Although a good horse is good at running, it will give up halfway when its physical strength is exhausted. The bad horse walked slowly without interruption, but it arrived first. Therefore, if you want to do something and learn a skill, you can really make continuous progress and succeed one day. The key is to make good use of your own energy.
Now some people have the ambition to study and study hard, day and night. After dozens of days, lazy feelings gradually emerged, and finally they abandoned their studies. Confucius said, "If you are in a hurry, you cannot achieve your goal." Mencius said that "those who enter too quickly will retreat quickly", which is the reason.
There is a tree planter, with dense branches and leaves and lush fruits, and others can't catch up with him. When someone asked him about his experience in planting trees, he said, "I don't have any clever methods, but I can identify physical properties, identify suitable soil, regularly cultivate soil and fertilize it, and irrigate and water it at the right time." When ordinary people first plant saplings, they should look carefully in the morning and evening. I leave them as they are, as if I don't care. I have been planting fruit trees for a long time, and others have long forgotten it, but I am more diligent. "
There was a man in the state of Song who was worried that the seedlings would grow slowly, so he pulled up the seedlings one by one, went home tired and said to his family, "I'm exhausted today, and I helped the seedlings grow taller." His son hurried to the field to look, but the seedling died.
Look at these two things, and you will know the truth of learning knowledge and studying knowledge. If you are determined and single-minded, it is not necessarily because you have only one day's harvest and progress, and you brag about your merits and achievements. Taking Baili Road as the destination, you can't talk about it after 90 miles in a hurry. Career is beneficial, and kung fu focuses on effectiveness. Scholars should think deeply.
Original text:
Diligence is only perseverance. A good horse is good at walking, but exhausted. Xu Xing, Xu Xing and Fu were the first to arrive. Therefore, if you do something, learn a skill and make unremitting efforts, you will succeed one day. Make good use of your energy. People nowadays may be interested in learning. Once they get angry, they will stay up all night. After dozens of days, they will gradually become lazy and eventually give up studying. Confucius said, "Haste makes waste." Mencius said, "Those who make haste will be slow." This is also called.
And those who plant trees are lush and fruitful, which others can't compare with. Or ask him about his skills, and then he said, "I have no other skills, but I know the physical properties, distinguish the proper soil, cultivate the soil properly, and irrigate the ears on time." Mortals are the first kind, they watch it every day. I will let nature take its course, if I don't care. After planting for a long time, people are tired and forget, I am diligent. "
In the Song Dynasty, there was a man who pitied his seedlings for not growing. He came back recklessly and said, "I am sick today, and I will help them grow." His son was anxious to see it, and Miao was embarrassed.
Look at these two, and you will know the learning method. If you are determined to be strong and the deacon should be expert, you will not make progress in a day, and you will be proud of your effectiveness. It's not the time to travel a hundred miles, but the time to travel a hundred miles. Seek help, you will succeed, and the yogi will think.
Extended data:
Learning is expensive and constant, from the Analects of Confucius.
The Analects of Confucius is one of the classic works of Confucianism and a collection of recorded essays, which mainly records the words and deeds of Confucius and his disciples in the form of quotations and dialogues, and embodies Confucius' political, aesthetic, moral and utilitarian values. The Analects of Confucius covers politics, education, literature, philosophy and ways of living.
As early as the end of the Spring and Autumn Period, when Confucius set up an altar to give lectures, its main contents were initially established; After the death of Confucius, his disciples and re-disciples passed on his remarks from generation to generation, and gradually recorded the words and deeds of these oral quotations, so it was called "On"; The Analects of Confucius mainly records the words and deeds of Confucius and his disciples, so it is called "language".
In the Qing Dynasty, Zhao Yi explained: "The speaker, the sage's language, the commentator, and the Confucian discussion." In fact, "Shang" means compiling. The Analects of Confucius refers to recording the words and deeds of Confucius and his disciples and compiling them into books. The Analects of Confucius consists of 20 articles and 492 chapters, of which 444 chapters record what Confucius and his disciples talked about in time, and 48 chapters record what Confucius and his disciples talked about each other.
As a Confucian classic, The Analects is profound and all-encompassing, and its thoughts mainly include three independent and closely dependent categories: ethics-benevolence, social and political category-courtesy, and cognitive methodology category-the mean.
Benevolence, first of all, is the true state in people's hearts. The final compromise must be kindness, and this true and kind state is "benevolence". Confucius established the category of benevolence, and then expounded that courtesy is a reasonable social relationship and a norm to treat people and things, and then expounded the methodological principle of the "golden mean" system. "Benevolence" is the ideological core of The Analects.