The synonyms of cover are:
Cage, cover, cover.
The word "cover" has multiple meanings. It not only means "golden bell cover" in daily life, but also has the meaning of "covering" to express mood and atmosphere.
Chinese name
ㄓㄠ ˋ
Total strokes
Common phrases
Overtrousers zhào kù
Loose trousers or overalls worn over normal clothes for protection in bad weather or to protect against dirt. Also known as "overpants"
covering zhào miàn
The last piece of decorative leather or fabric covering the upper end of the shoe lining, often bearing the manufacturer's trademark
Burqa zhào páo
(1) A coat worn outside a robe
(2) A loose and shapeless robe worn by women
Cover zhào péng
A shed set up in front of the door or in the yard
Cover skirt zhào qún
A short skirt, usually cut with a large body and belted or stuck at the waist
Smock zhào shān
Smock zhào yī
(1) An outer garment worn to protect other clothes
(2 ) Loose outer clothing worn by workers (such as long blouses, short blouses, aprons or overalls)
Cover zhào zi
A cover that is used to protect or decorate the outside of an object. It is multi-purpose. Indoors, hardwood is embossed or openworked into geometric patterns or intertwined animals and plants, mythological stories, etc., which play the role of space partitioning and decoration indoors.