In fact, in our country, there is no definition of electronic trademark at all, and it has no connection with our trademark. The electronic trademarks they often talk about are actually the concept of secret trademarks, which refer to the application of corporate entity trademarks on the Internet. They are corporate Internet logos registered and reviewed by the National Internet Information Center in conjunction with the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Industry and Commerce Bureau, and other authoritative agencies, including Chinese domain name, "Chinese. Website address", "Chinese. Trademark", etc. In this electronic trademark incident, there were actually many loopholes.
First of all, each enterprise generally has many registered trademarks under its name, and it is impossible for an enterprise to register a domain name for each trademark.
Secondly, there are many top-level domain names in the world, such as my country's cn, Japan's jp, or the general top, etc., which are all top-level domain names. It will cost an enterprise to register each one. There is also more money.