Hello! It is good for you to use the trademark normally after successful registration. Others who want to register the same trademark and trademark office will not be approved, including others who want to register similar trademarks and trademark offices, and will be examined in the substantive examination cycle; You don't have to worry about others registering the same trademark.
Another situation is that your trademark is only registered to protect the category you need, and other categories are not. At this time, others have the right to register and apply for other categories that you have no protection. Trademark I is divided into 45 categories. When registering for protection, you need to sort the categories according to your business scope and scope of use.
Another one! If someone else uses your registered trademark, and it is within your scope of use, you can sue him for infringement and ask him to produce a trademark registration certificate. As long as the other party can't take it out, you can ask the other party to compensate and use you. Or you can authorize the other party to use it, and charge a certain fee according to the authorization situation and time.