If you want to open a restaurant, you first need a suitable catering trademark. In daily life, our common catering trademarks belong to the 43rd category of catering and accommodation among the 45 categories of trademarks, so the catering trademark How to buy it, and how much can a catering trademark be sold for?
How to purchase catering trademarks? What are the catering trademarks that can be transferred on Bajie Trademark Trading Network?
Class 43 trademark name: Pangtu registration number: 21511470
Approved scope of application: cafes; restaurants; hotels; fast food restaurants; bar services; accommodation agencies (hotels; catering) Boarding house); teahouse; conference room rental; nursing home; day nursery (child care);
Class 43 trademark name: Knife and Fork Jianghu, registration number: 25837082
Approved and applicable Scope: Booking temporary accommodation; preparing banquets; mobile catering; restaurants; bar service; nursing homes; day care (babysitting); rental of chairs, tables, tablecloths and glassware; rental of mobile homes; animal boarding;
< p>What information is needed to purchase a catering trademark?The transferee is an individual: valid identity document, valid individual business license
The transferee is a company: a valid company business license
The transferor is an individual : Valid identity document, trademark registration certificate, trademark use authorization
The transferor is a company: Valid company business license, trademark registration certificate, trademark use authorization
Agency: Trademark Transfer agreement, trademark transfer power of attorney, trademark transfer consent certificate, trademark transfer application
To sum up, trademark transfer information is relatively complicated. If there is an error in submitting the information to the Trademark Office, the Trademark Office will not accept it. Accepting or requesting corrections will take a long time and be relatively troublesome.
How much can a catering trademark cost?
Many companies suffer a lot when purchasing trademarks, especially in terms of price. The fees for handling the transfer of catering trademarks are: the trademark transfer fee is 500 yuan. For agency service fees, please consult Bajie Trademark BuyBusiness.com customer service.
Through the above, how to buy a catering trademark, and how much can a catering trademark sell for? Everyone already knows the relevant knowledge. For more information about the purchase of catering trademarks, you are welcome to call 400-711-0860. Catering trademark trademark purchase