1. If the school’s school badge is registered as a trademark and the registered category covers clothing categories, you are directly infringing the school’s trademark rights; if it does not cover clothing categories, it depends on the school logo. Whether the trademark has ever been recognized as a well-known trademark? If so, if the well-known trademark has cross-class protection, you will still infringe the trademark rights;
If not, you will not infringe the trademark rights, but the school can also pass the "Reverse Protection" "Unfair Competition Law" and "General Principles of Civil Law" will sue you;
2. If the school's school badge is not registered as a trademark, and the school is the author of the design of the school badge, then you use the school badge for commercial purposes without approval In terms of use, if it infringes the designer's copyright, you can still be sued.
So I would like to advise you not to do such a thing, just tell me once and for all