Trademark correction:
Trademark correction means that an applicant or registrant for trademark registration can apply for correction if he finds obvious errors in the trademark application documents or registration documents. The Trademark Office shall make corrections within the scope of its functions and powers according to law and notify the parties concerned.
most of the corrected items are those that have no substantial impact on the trademark because of the applicant's writing mistakes, such as the wrong filling in the registered address in the registered trademark file information, the wrong filling in the transferee's name in the transfer application, or the wrong filling in the renewal category of the trademark.
Trademark change:
Trademark change refers to the change of the name, address or other registered items of the trademark registrant after the trademark is approved and registered. Where the exclusive right to use a trademark is transferred due to enterprise merger, merger or restructuring, the transfer formalities shall be handled. Where the name of the trademark registrant is changed, the exclusive right to use the trademark will not be transferred.
Difference between trademark correction and trademark change:
If the name, address or other registered items of a trademark registrant are changed, it shall apply to the Trademark Office for the corresponding change procedures and fill out an Application for Trademark Change. The errors in trademark correction are limited to individual textual errors in the name, address, goods and other items in the application documents or registration documents, and do not involve substantive content.