Please help me and tell me, thank you
A.A.R = ??against all risks Guaranteed against all risks, all risks
A.B.No. = Accepted Bill Number Import bill number
A/C = Account account number
AC. = Acceptance
acc = acceptance, accepted, commitment
a/c.A/C = account, account
ackmt = acknowledgment, receipt[/color]
a/d = after date, payment within a time limit after the invoice is issued (bill)
ad.advt. = advertisement Advertisement
adv. = advice notice (book)
ad val. = Ad valorem (according to value) ad valorem tax
A.F.B. = Air Freight Bill Air Bill of Lading
Agt. = Agent
AI = first class
AM = Amendment
A.M.T. = Air Mail Transfer
p>Amt. = Amount, amount
A.N. = arrival notice Arrival notice
A.P. = account payable
A/P = Authority to Purchase
a.p. = additional premiun
A.R. = Account Receivable
Art. = Article
p>A/S = account sales sales list
a/s = after sight payment within a time limit
asstd. = Assorted Assorted
att, .attn. = attention attention
av., a/v = average, average
a/v = a vista (at sight) at sight Pay
DD/A =documents against acceptance, delivery document after acceptance
= documents for acceptance, = documents attached, documents for acceptance
= deposit account deposit account number
d/a = days after acceptance Day payment
D.A. = Debit advice payment statement
D/D, D. = Demand draft, documentary draft, sight draft, documentary draft
d/d = day's date (days after date) After the invoice is payment
d.f., d.fet. = dead freight (ship)
Disc. = Disco
unt discount; discount
DLT = Day Letter Telegram
D/N = debit note debit note
D/O = delivery order unloading notice
D/P = documents against payment Deliver documents after payment
Dr. = debit debter debit, debtor
d/s. = days' sight After seeing the bill ...Daily Payment
DV = Dividends Dividends
Eea. = each, each
e.e.E.E. = error excepted Except for errors
E/B = Export-Import Bank Export-Import Bank (USA)
enc., encl.= enclosure attachment
E.amp; O.E. = errors and omissions excepted Errors or omissions are not limited
ETA = estimated time of arrival Scheduled arrival date
ex. = example, executive, exchange, extract Example, executive, foreign exchange Exchange, summary
Exp. = Export export
f.a.q.=fair average quality Good average quality
f.a.s.=free alongside ship Free delivery price
F.B.E.=foreign bill of exchange Foreign bill of exchange
f.c.l.=full container load The entire container is full discharge Unloading ship The party is not responsible for the loading fee
F.amp; free in and out, the loading and unloading ship is not responsible
f.i.o.=free in out stowed and trimming, the loading, unloading, storage and closing ship are not responsible
f.o.=free out, the unloading ship is not responsible
f.o., f/o=firm offer quotation with specified time limit
f.o.b.=free on board free on board price
f.o.c.=free of charge
F.O.I.=free of Interest
f.o.r.=free on rail, free on road delivery price on train
f.o.s.=free on steamer delivery price
f.o.t.=free on truck delivery price
f.p.a.=free of particular average, single average is not guaranteed
fr.f=franc, from, free franc , from, free
FX=Foreign Exchange
Gg=good, go
ods, gramme, goods, one gram
G/A=general average ***Same as average
GATT=General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
gm.=gramme one gram
g.m.b.=good merchantable brand Goods of good quality suitable for trading
g.m.q.=good merchantable quality
G/N=Guarantee of Notes Commitment Guarantee
g.s.w.=gross shipping weight
gr.wt.=gross weight Gross weight
IIATA=International Air Transport Association International Air Transport Association
IBRD=International Bank Reconstruction and Development International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
I/C=Inward Collection Import Collection
ICC=International Chamber of Commerce International Chamber of Commerce
IMO=International Money Orders International Money Orders
Imp=Import Import
IN=Interest Interest
IMF=International Monetary Fund International Monetary Fund
inst.=instant(this month) This month
int.=interest Interest
IOU=I owe you IOU
I/P=Insurance Policy
I/R=Inward Remittance Remittance
ISIC=International Standard Industrial Classification International Industry Standard Classification
it.=item item
Kk.= karat (carat) Kara (pure gold content)
kg.=keg, kilogrammexiao, kilogram
K.W.=Kilo Watt kilowatt
LL/A=Letter of Authorization
lbs.=pounds pounds
L/C=Letter of Credit
L/H=General Letter of Hypothecation Pledge Rights Total Shares Agreement
L/I=Letter of Indemnity Compensation Guarantee
L/G=Letter of Guarantee Letter of Guarantee
l.t.=long ton (2,240 pounds)
L/T=Letter Telegram
L/U=Letter of Undert
aking letter of commitment
Mm.=mile, metre, mark, month, minute, meridian(noon) mile, meter, mark, month, minute, noon
m/d=month after date After the invoice is issued...monthly payment
memo.=memorandum memo
M.I.P.=marine insurance policy Marine insurance policy
M/L=more or less increase or decrease
MO=Money Order appropriation note, remittance note, money order
m/s=months after sight...monthly payment
m.s.=mail steamer, mail transfer oil tanker, ship
M.T.=metric ton, mail transfer metric ton, letter transfer
M/T=Mail Transfer letter transfer
m.v.=motor vessel ship
MNC= multi-national corporation
NN.B.=Nota Bene(take notice)Note
n/p=non-payment chargeback
Nt.Wt=Net Weight
O.=Order order, Order
O.B/L=Order bill of lading
O.C.P.=Overland Common Point usually accessible by land transportation
O/C=Outward Collection Export Collection
O/d=overdraft, on demand, payment on demand (bill)
O/No. =order number order number
o.p.=open policy reservation policy
O/R=Outward Remittance
ORT=ordinary telegram
o/s=on sale, out of stock, no stock
O/S=old style
o.t.=old term
PP/A, p/a=particular average
pa=power of attorney appointment Status
=private account
p.a.=per annum (by the year) every year
p.c.=per cent, petty cash percentage, petty cash
p.l.=partial loss
P.amp; I.=Protection and Indemnity accident insurance
P.amp; L.=profit and loss
otal money orderPostal money order
P/N=promissory note
P.O.B.=postal office boxPostal office box
p.o.d.=payment on delivery
P.O.D.=Pay on Delivery
P/O=Payment Order
P/R=parcel receipt
prox.=proximo (next month) next month
PS.=postscript restart
P.T.O.=please turn over Please look inside
PTL=private tieline service telegraph line service
qr=quarter four One-quarter
quotn=quotation quotation
qy=quay terminal
recpt=receipt receipt
ref.=reference reference, about
RFWD=rain, fresh water damage rainwater and fresh water Insurance
remit.=remittance remittance
r.m.=ready money, readymade reserve fund, ready-made
RM=Remittance remittance
R.O. =remittance Order remittance authorization letter
R.P.=reply paid, returnof post or electricity bill prepaid, please indicate immediately
( S)
SS.A.=-Statement of Account
s.a.=subject to approval is conditional on recognition (agree, approval)
S/C =sale contract
S/D=sight draft
S/D=sea damage
S/N=shipping note
S.O.s.o.=shipping order, seller's option shipping notice, the seller has the right to choose
S/S, s/s, ss, s.s=steamship
s.t.=short ton
T/A=telegraphic address Telegram registration
T.L.O.=total loss only only guarantees total loss (no compensation for divided losses)
T.M.O. =telegraphic money orderTelegraphic transfer
T.R.=trust receiptTrust receipt
T.T.=telegraphic transfer
>TPND=theft, pilferage and nondelivery theft and loss clause
Uult.=ultimo(last month)last month
( V)
V.V.=Vice Versa and vice versa
w.a.=with average water Damage insurance (separate average compensation)
war=with risk guarantee all risks
W/B=way bill warehouse book freight bill, warehouse book
wgt= weight
whf=wharf wharf
W/M=weight or measurement weight or capacity
w.p.a.=with particular average individual average compensation
W.R.=War RiskWar Risk
W.R.=warehouse receipt
x.d. =ex dividend ex dividend
XX=good qualitygood quality
XXX=very good qualityvery good quality
XXXX=best qualitybest quality
yd.=yard code
yr.=your, year your, year
Z=Zone region, zone