The trademark applied for registration shall comply with the provisions of the law. For example, the trademark prohibited from use or registration by law shall not be used, nor shall it infringe the prior rights of others. This is the most basic requirement for trademark registration. In addition to the most basic ones, you also need to consider the following points:
1. Strong distinctiveness: We register a trademark to distinguish it from other similar products, making it easier for consumers to distinguish. If the distinctiveness is low, it will easily cause others to misunderstand it, so this kind of trademark will not be successfully registered. Therefore, professional inquiries and analysis are required before registering a trademark to avoid the above situation.
2. Avoid similar trademarks: "Identical or similar to a previously applied or registered trademark" is easy to understand but also difficult to grasp. It is easy to judge whether the trademark is the same, but the judgment of similarity is different. A wise man has his own ideas, so choosing a professional trademark agency is much more reliable than trademark owners figuring it out on their own. In the early stage, search and analysis will be done based on experience, and in the later stage, the status of the trademark will be followed up in a timely manner, which will greatly increase the success rate of trademark registration.
3. There is a blind period of four to five months for trademark inquiries, which leads to objective risks in trademark registration. The agent’s claim of 100% approval when applying is purely deceiving. Finally, there is currently no direct solution to the query blind period problem, but trademark owners can be prepared to submit two or more slightly different trademarks for registration.
4. When our trademark is rejected due to similarities and other reasons, if the applicant is dissatisfied with the rejection decision of the National Trademark Office, the applicant should submit a review to the Trademark Office Review and Adjudication Committee within 15 days of receiving the rejection notice. , requesting a re-ruling. Come up with reasonable and valid evidence and argue with reason!